the imperials control the audience

Title: the imperials control the audience
Author: Fax "Jackson Five" Pâque
Date: Aug 18, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘starting (9)

court of the vile gagnster

jp audience chamber

jp dungeon

tatoine great pit of carkoon

tatoine podrace arena

start your engines

bounta eve podrace

watttos box

sebulbas podracer

locations (3)

tatoine jp

jp lower passage

spaceportdocking bay.

characters (13)

emperor paplpatine (2)

darth maul (2)


janus greejatus

mara jade (2)

IG-88 /w



interrupts (23)

this is some rescue

alter (2)

sense (2)

masterful move / endor occupation

imperrial barrier (2)

operationnal as planned

podracer collision (3)

omni box / its worse

force lighning

we must accelerate ou plans

sniper / dark strike

weapon levitation

i have you now (2)

control / set for stun

hit racer (2)

neimodian advisor

weapons (3)

vader’s lightsaber

maul’s lightsaber

mara’s lightsaber

effects (5)

battle order / first strike

allegations of corruptions

do they have a code clearance

blast door controls

you cannot hide forever

starships (4)

maul’s sith infiltrator

bosk in hounds tooth

zuckuss in mist hunter

fett in slave one

Strategy: ‘

this deck is vry fun to play.

first of all some of your opponents will be surprised by seing that you are playing imperials in a court deck.

the stategy

first turn start the race pull marajade to the audience except if you have it in hand. pull the docking bay. If you have enough forces you can deploy marajade from hand and pull gailid.

second turn begin deplying your heavy personnae

never forget the force every turn if your opponent doesn’t com to you.

I always start watto’s box except against the watch your step/ podrace then i start allegations of corruption to stack tunnel vision.

use your senses sparely because there are not too much in the deck oh yes i forgot these are old versions sense and alter.

why i use some cards and not others.

court of the vile gangster in place of MKOS i prefer the direct dammage version and with that i can pull my ships.

p-59 destiny direct dommage immunity what more could you ask for.

this is some rescue against OOC and its a 6

masterful / occupation againt the celebrations and because mmantellian savrip.

we must accelerate ou plans read it.

control / set for stun to cancel a big drain or to sfs a character in a key moment.

neimodian advisor because sometimes tatoine jp doesnt come out

battle order and first strike against first strike.

allegation of corruption its a five and it can be started.

blast door controls because i have lost a big number of games with rebel barrier

mauls sith infiltrator because it can be pulled with the objectif , it can hide from battles ant its a 6.

THis deck went 2/1 in tournament the only loss was against a profit deck were i played like a dumb.