Lotti Doddi We like to party - Senate Thunder

Title: Lotti Doddi We like to party - Senate Thunder
Author: michael "Deck" Gemme
Date: Aug 20, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Start se7en

My Lord is it legal / Hell yes

The Senate Chamber

Mauls Site

Prepared Defenses

IAO / Secret Plans

Crush the Rebellion


Locations 5

Blockade Bridge

Tatooine Dbay94 (bg)

Coruscant Dbay (old)

Executor Dbay

Hoth War Room

Characters 19

Lotti Doddi x2

EPP Vader x2

Tat Maul x2

Ig88 with gun

Miyoom Onith

Toonbuck Toora

Porn Free Ta

Aks Moe


Yeb Yeb Adem&þ

Passel Argente

Edcel Bar Gane


Keder the Black


Coruscant Guard

Ships 3

Bossk in ship

Boba Fett in ship

Zuckuss in ship

Interrupts 18

Defensive fire x2

Defensive fire / hutt smooch x2

Limited Resources x3

Vote Now

Payroll of the Federation

Point is conceded

Evader / Monnok

Neimoidian advisor

Accelerate our plans x2

Squabbling Delegats x2

Omni Box / Its worse

Scanning Crew

Effects 8

Ability Ability Ability

Responsibility of Command

Much Anger in Him

This is Outrageous

Hell to pay x3

Security Precautions

Strategy: ‘

I hate when ppl take me so literally.. of course you can stop it.. i lost a game with it.. relax

Captainsolo said that he made this deck and it raped an EBO bargwains deck that some guy has been romping his area with. so everyone that said this would die to ebo bargwains.. eatadikc haha.

Taco Bill even if they keep seven or eight cards in their hand (or try) what are they gonna do when they have to try and deploy to more sites to drain or battle or whatever.. theyre going to run out of cards in their hand. Once they get to five cards i own them. if i have a screw, then sometimes six. limited resources is not THAT difficult to get off.

A few people have mentioned how i played bottom feeders I AM A GODDAMN BOTTOM FEEDER. the fact that brian twigg did well with the deck also should give it some validity, if not, just test it a couple times, youll see it works.

About Miyoom noone likes this card. take it out then =p. i will keep playing it. i miiyoom’d a hand of twelve and said go. when i have my opponent LOCKED then i dont mind using all twelve of the force i activate (remember i get +2 with tikkes and a bg) to make them lose a bunch of cards. and twelve is the most ill ever have to spend for a well placed miiyoom. but take her out if you want, throw in battle plan, im keepign my deck like this cause i love it that way. i might take out a limited for the battle order combo, but i duno yet, it depends.

Rain There is one combo, its not luck.. you pull it out. there are four cards to pull out the combo, plus the cards themselves. if their not playing a rebel, i will focus more on manip and the limiteds and my characters.

Forcelord i have beaten my qmc with steebo playing it, which in my opinion is a damn good qmc. as for corran, normally i hold a hutt smooch for a while if im not playng wys. and yes HBX is a tough matchup, but i will just try and probe. i think HB matching is going to be bigger than HBX so the roc combo will still work. but yes, hbx is a tough matchup but not one i see myself facing.

Jawa tosser and deja are retarded.. their reviews said that me and twigg must have sucked to lose with this.. where as we went 3-1. they said i would lose to RST boomrace, yet me and twigg both beat it at the dpc. they said they had vaginas.. and i agreed.

The first senator you want down is obviously lotti doddi. Back him up with a quick yeb yeb or toonbuck, whoever you can get. Against a non senate deck, three senators and the guard is enough to hold the senate. Against a senate deck, drop everyone you can early. Once you flip, you run the game. ALWAYS make them drop two cards. WHat else are you going to do with that force??? Now that you set up the senate, put the lock on them.


The lock effectively shuts down 5 locations. Resp of command shuts down one. The three undercovers shut down 3 sites, and your political effect shuts down another location. Not many decks use 6 BG’s to drain at, youll be all set.

Once you really start controlling their hand, get ability x3 out. between that and MAIH theyre losing six force a turn. Plus youre locking down their hand, if you can pull of the limited that just makes it better. this deck is so manipulative, theres not much your opponent can do other than flip cards off his deck.

The deck was 25-3 in playtesting vs baroni, desai and chris twigg. it went 3-1 for both me and brian twigg at the dpc. so before you get pissed at my choices, let me explain them.

3 limiteds yes you can get them out wiht lott, i tried w/ two. three is so much better. i dont know.. you can do it often. so do it, its big force loss.

Obviously you understand the roc/maih combo. put it on theron nett or chewie if you can so they cant edge them to death. Ability x3 is killer becuase if they have no guys to deploy (miyoom, screw, defensive fire, the objective) then it hits them up.

There arent a lot of characters to fight. maul and iggy can hold a site and protect miyoom, or stick miyoom at the bridge and protect her with hutt smooch. Vader goes for surgical strikes and arica can cover luke like no other can.

Before anyone tries to claim that this cant hold the senate, you are gay. there are plenty of senators. i play one of everyone except that GAY @#$% malastaire one (not aks moe, hes sweet, the ohter one) and i play two lotti doddi’s. ive never not been able to hold the senate. Toombuck toora and passel argente are MACHINES. with those two and lott dodd i can hold the chamber with ease. little real power is such a bad card. please dont play it. if you have majority first and they drop guys, you cant play it at all. and youre f’d. play payroll b/c palpatine has ambition and so do FIVE of your guys. five of eight valorum has ambition too but use the force to reduce him. after that, you have taken out their big guns, you can hold the senate. point is conceded is good too, because you can drop someone crummy and ditch someone liek palps of theirs… its good. this deck holds the senate.. i promise.. anymore would be a waste of space.

The ships are only for the ROC/MAIH and to prove. If theyre in space, then just roc and manipulate, drain on the ground @ your dbay.. relax in space.

Miyooom is there. Brian hunter told me miyoom is gay. i disagree. one miyoom is good. no i dont always use her, but when i do, she kicks TONS OF ASS. she elimiates those gay epps and jedi lukes and its good stuff. she killed 8 ppl for me at the dpc, and set up the limiteds at least 3 times.

i dont start begin landing your troops because i need nabrun protection against the roc combo and beatdowns. plus secret plans is great and the senators have high forfeit enough already. its a good card, but obviously not needed.

Why no more political effects?? i really odnt battle, if i do i track for it. im not worried about +3 to my battle destiny, all i care about is the lock.

Crush so you can use monnok, its better than drop, i can cancel clash which is coming back bigger than you think considering the new maul.

PORN FREE TA is a god. drop him in front of the roc.. if they go for a beatdown, you pay to put him back in your deck and they are FUKCED. Also drop him at the seante bvefore you retreive and them put him back in your deck next turn.. great tech is this man.

Theres nothing this deck cannot beat. hand manip is the best gameplay advantage you can have. w/ this deck its your game to win or lose. good luck