Tatooine Mains & Smack AKA Race Killa

Title: Tatooine Mains & Smack AKA Race Killa
Author: Brian "Armus" Sykes
Date: Aug 22, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (4)

Tatooine {S}

Jabba’s Palace {S}

Audience Chamber

Lower Passages

Characters (19)

Tat Maul x3


Lord Vader

Palpy x2

Grand Admiral Thrawn x2



Dr.E/Ponda Baba

Prince Xizor


Aurra Sing

EJP Dengar



Ships (5)

Chimaera x2

Zuckuss in Ship

Bossk in Ship

Fett in Ship

Weapons (5)

Maul’s Stick x2

Vader’s Stick x2

Mara’s Stick


Battle Order/First Strike


IAO/Secret Plans

Tatooine Occuption

PotF x2



Enter The Bureaucrats

Admirals Orders (1)

Fighter Cover

Interrupts (17)


Combat Readiness {S}

Elis Helrot

Force Field

Force Lightning

I Have You Now x2

Masterful Move


Shut Him Up…

Sniper/Dark Strike x2

Twi’lek Advisor x2

Weapon Levitation x2


Strategy: ‘

{S} = Starting

ok, here is the Destiny Break Down








The strategy is simple Beat them up. If they are podracing the fact is you will lose the podrace. However, a 6 force loss is manageable, especially since it is very rare that they will be able to hold a steady drain on the ground. If theyre playing in Space Enter the Bureaucrats and Maul on the Chimaera (or BH ship for that matter) will keep them at bay. Meanwhile, use Gailid, your Lightsabers, Janus, and your PotFs to get mad drains on the ground. The Key to beating a podracer is to get either CHYBC or Secret Plans and hold on to them until your opponent wins the race, then deploy them the turn that they win to lock them out of their retrieval… it is a very rare occurence that your opponent will have 6 Force saved AND Occupy 2 Battlegrounds.

Ok, here are some specific Matchups


Racing or not, get to the Cantina early and Lock it down. Dont be afraid to deploy a presence there. Sure you wont get to activate for it, but with Some Power characters there you can easily drain for 5-6/turn. meanwhile beat up any Scrubs they have running around. Maul and Guri are your Heroes in this Matchup, they will own those Smugglers. Drop EtB on Kessel and watch them cry. You really dont even need to go to space, inless they leave themselves open somewhere.


A well-Timed monnok is huge in this game, but that wont always happen. The best thing is to get Vader or Mara and sopmeone else down early to beat up on Crix at the Landing Site so they cant pull all of their scouts. Scouts die easily, choke them, slice them, blast them, fry them, just kill the darn things. This deck has done really well against RST, Boomrace or otherwise.


If you can get an early drop on them to stop the early flip go ahead. Otherwise, set up some drains in JP. And Wait until theyve deployed and hit their weakest site. Path? ok, just one more dude for you to slice up. Use Maul in Space to Wreck their Celebration, set up Tat Occupation and dont let them keep Menae Fades in effect. You can win this one.


If theyre Flipping it can be tough, if its Mains you should win. If its flipping set up the JP mega-Drain early and keep the pressure on. Once they flip probe Sparingly with Zuckuss, Bossk, and the Chimaera. This is probably the toughest matchup, but smart play will still allow you to win. against HBX Maul in Space is Huge for probing.


Another tough one but winnable Again, use EtB and Maul in Space and drain like a Fiend in JP. use the Snipers to pick off any Undercover spies and the Alter if they arent using BOussh or TK-422. With EBOs minimal ground power you should be able to establish a drain of 12/turn plus Occupation if you can keep it running.


Autowin. Your starting Interrupt converts their palace and your first turn converts their AC. Start Mara and Dr.E/Ponda Baba. They activate 4-5/turn until they start deploying their own locations so you should be able to set up drains;/Occupation. Battle Order is doubly effective due to the small amount of force they get. There is no reason you should lose this one.


Dont be stupid and you should be ok… Hayes’ Pile might be a little tough since they give you no force, but even with only 9/turn you should be able to get enough of a force built up that you can hold your own. Just play smart and dont leave yourself open to a beating.


Havent played this one yet, but if LS senators is popular in your area I’d recommend switching out the Alter for a Coruscant Alter and maybe adding a second. But even then it isnt bad… they cancel one drain a turn… ok, you scan still hit them for 5-6/turn. Add 2 to a force drain at a battleground? If it aint space they shouldnt even be draining. If it is, EtB will fix that. I dont have a great idea as to how to do this, but just stick to your gameplan and you should be ok

**Note I’d like to find room for Maul’s Ship, but I dont know what to take out… any ideas?

This deck has gone undefeated in Columbus since Origins which is the last time it lost, and has yet to get under 20. Any suggestions are welcome.

Peace out,

-Brian ‘