Watch Your Step Racing

Title: Watch Your Step Racing
Author: Jason "azreal6" Herrin
Date: Aug 24, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Charaters (17)

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight

Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol

Captain Han Solo

Chewbacca, Protector

Chewie With Blaster Rifle

Artoo X2

Threepio With His Parts Showing X2

Murr Danod

Mirax Terrick X2

Talon Karde X2

Dash Rendar X2

Wedge Antilles

Weapons (8)

Luke’s Lightsaber

Luke’s Blaster Pistol

Fire Extinguisher X2

Quad Laser Cannon

Intruder Missile X2

Landing Claw

Starships (5)

Millennium Falcon


Pulsar Skate

Artoo-Detoo In Red 5

Red Squadron 1

Admirals Orders (3)

No Questions Asked X2

Concentrate All Fire

Epic Events (1)

I Did It

Effects (5)

Anger, Fear, Aggression X2

Menace Fades

Kessel Run

Tatooine Celebration

Interrupts (10)

Out Of Comm. & Trans Term. X2

Sorry About The Mess X2

Put That Down X2

Life Debt


Artoo, I Have A Bad Feeling…

Run Luke, Run

Locations (2)



Starting (9)

Watch Your Step

Tatooine (E1)

Docking Bay 94


Podrace Prep

Podrace Arena

Anakin’s Podracer

Boonta Eve Podrace

Squadron Assignments ‘

Strategy: ‘

Before you draw your starting hand pull I Did It from your deck.

Turn 1- Begin the race. Pull one of your systems and get it on the table. Deploy a ship and its pilot to Tatooine if you can. Hold off on deploying characters to the Cantina until you can do it to flip.

Turn 2- Draw race destiny. Pull your last system from the deck and finish getting forces encamped at the Cantina. Very important to hold the high drain sites and complete the race.

Later turns- Make sure to get Threepio and Mirax on the table as fast as you can. Start setting up your destinies and draw into more of your ships and artilleary.

Card Choices-

Luke’s Blaster Pistol- In the hands of the master it kills immunity to attrition. Excellent for chumping an opponent out of Maul or Vader. It doesn’t matter if it even hits.

Life Debt- Totally rocks in this deck. Heck this card can seriuosly add attrition in this deck when flipped. Lets examine it. My objective is flipped, EPP Han, EPP Chewie, And Threepio are in a battle. I play Life Debt which adds two destiny, Chewie adds one with Threepio, Han adds one with Chewie, They have ability and draw one, And my objective adds one. Lets see, thats 6 Battle destiny draws And with this decks destiny numbers count on attrition of about 20


HDADTJ- This deck owns HD. Trans. Term. thier Visage and just set up while you race. Your inserts prove to be especially painful do to the darks lack of retrieval. Plus your retrieval is so dramatic it can’t keep up with drains either.

Court- Concetrate on holding the Cantina and kill them in space. Drain as much as possible at Kessel and the Cantina. They won’t be able to survive long.

Senate- Not much of a stumbling block. it takes them too long to get set up on the ground and Menace Fades kills their modifiers. They won’t be able to drain you for much but you’ll drain them down fast with the race and inserts.

SYCFA/TIEs- Would be a ough match if it weren’t for all your retreival and inserts. Coupled with the race and your ground drains you should be able to put this match torest quickly.

AOBS- This deck will pose little opposition unless played by a better player. If you come up against a real pro stick to your guns and keep your drains and direct damage coming. They won’t be able to content too long.

TDIGWATT- Start Menace Fades and watch them cry. Begin the race and insert like crazy. Again with minimal retreival for them it will be the end quickly. ‘