BHBM Sex Machine Stlye v 2 0

Title: BHBM Sex Machine Stlye v 2 0
Author: Jim "Sex Machine-" Green
Date: Aug 26, 2001 Rating: 3.5





Throne Room

Prepared Defenses

Crush the Rebellion

IAO/Secret Plans

Mob. Points

Insig Rebellion

Your Destiny


Lord Vader x4

Darth Maul x2

Mara Jade, TEH x2

Emporer Palpatine x2

Sim Aloo

Janus Greejatus

Grand Moff Tarkin x2

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Admiral Chiraneau

Prince Xizor


Aurra Sing


Vader’s Saber x2

Maul’s Saber

Mara’s Saber




Chimaera x2







Lateral Damage

No Escape

Search and Destroy



Operation as Planned

Twi Lek x2


Force Lightning

Imperial Command x2

Masterful Move x2

Sense x3

Sense/Uncertian is the Future x2

I Have You Now x2

You Are Beaten ‘

Strategy: ‘

Please read all of the strat before reviewing thank you for comments

Turn 1)

Starts out by pulling, Palpy, force lightning, DS2Db, Rendilli, and I have you now. Drop Palpy to the DS2Db first turn for activation. Put down Sim or Janus if you have them, if not draw remaining cards hopfully you have Vader in your hand.

Turn 2)

You activate 7+, grab EndorDb, if you have Vader drop him to Endor and draw the remaing cards.

Turn 3)

Activate 10+, if you do not have luke go pick him up and deploy some more guys.

Turn 4)

Get a good army out on space and ground, with the imperial commands you should have no problem controling space. Chimera/trawn/chiraneau=beast power 14, 2 destiny and Imperial command wrecks

This is generaly a get out your beat down forces and beat them down while taking one of the best characters I have you now is huge with 3 D.Jedis and the destinies in this deck are decent with some easy tracking tools

There is a GREAT sense package to cancle all what your opponent is doing. Canling your opponents battle interrupts can royaly screw them over. Sensing Weapon Lev, OOC, Organized Attack, Hyper Escape, and Destiny Aders, The Signal so they cannot go find effetcs , or even sensing a sense to let you interrupts go through. The list goes on. Since Palpy is on the table you dont have to worry about messing up your draw.

Why the combo? It doesnt cancle Alter?

It doesnt matter you can just sense it like and interrupt by drawing destiny.

With the early game drawing of monnok, about mid game, monnok lost, if they have some really good cards or combos set up, play the combo and draw new hands. Or, if your hand is looking crapy or you cannot get the stuff you need play the combo and hopfully some stuff you need.

Mid-Late Game after you rough up the opponent some and stack some cards Vader and Palpy need a vaction so take them to the throne room and get some duel’in going. set up Force Lightning&Masterful move or Twi Lek and Masterful Move ect… for a solid 11 to make them lose 3 a turn until the end of the game. There usualy is not enough time to win 4 battles( with most people playing Jedi Luke) to cross luke. I usually win 3 (1 in space and 2 on ground) and then go to the throne room to finish off the opponent with duels

But if they do give you luke with stick or something cross him

Rebel Scout Luke is not a pain

A) hardly anyone uses him

B) if they do and fly Vader over then Duel the entire game no biggy.

Match Ups( are about the same for every LS deck)

You pick up Luke, which cancles; gift of the mentor, run luke, run, Don’t Get @#$%y, the destiny adders with Luke, Lukes Saber.Han with Gun and Luke. Luke is the Light side ”Man”. From there on it is hard for the opponent to have huge power unless it is basterd palace raiders. SO you Battle and duel to win. BHBM win generaly within the range of 10-15 that is not an insane amount but, a possitve amount and a win.

X-Wing Swarms/ EBO X-Wings/HB X-Wings/HB Flip

These are you hardest matches. If they are not starting yarna( they are dumb) Monnok and kill of some X-Wings, Organized Attacks ect…

EBO, there is not alot of characters in these decks usually so go beat up on hoth and try to cancle EBO. Since you will not be needing to stay on your sites go to hoth. This Game Duel luke like nuts. Maybe do some lone Zuckass Missions with sense be sure you are able to keep your space fleet together or you will be wrecked. This game can be won it is just a tougher one.

HB/FLip You will be dueling Luke alot this game also. Try to Probe their Hidden Base. Play the game the same as any X-Wing Swarm, Monnok and sense Organized Attack. If they have a lone X-wing andare counting on Hyper Escape sense rocks. Once agian a tougher match but can be won.

Aginst X-Wing,RememberSense is HUGE Maul is a @#$% in space

Hyper Drive Generator objective

doesnt screw over BHBM all the new Jedis do not do a whole lot and are not very powerful, yes, you cannot duel ( with Vader) but it is still fine Maul eats Jedi( with tracked destiny) for lunch you can still win this game start the game out like normal. Play your game smart and win.

Have fun with the deck thanks for reading and reviewing ‘