No Money Done RIGHT aka No Tengo Dinero

Title: No Money Done RIGHT aka No Tengo Dinero
Author: R. "Voice of Law" Smith
Date: Aug 27, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Start (7)

No Money, No Pants, No Deal/You’re My B¡tch


Mos Espa


No Escape



Locations (1)


Guys (21)

Watto x4

Emperor Palpy x2

EPP Vader x2

Mara Jade x2

Maul Tatooine x2



P-59 (P-Fiddy)

Dr E and Ponda B

Aurra Sing

Iggy w/gun



Television Koreyyyyyy

Weaponry (4)

Maul’s Stick

Mara’s Stick

Weapon Levitation x2

Ship (1)

Sith Infiltrator

Interruptos (18)

Projective Telepathy x6

Masterful Move x3



Sniper/Dark Strike x2

I Have You Now

Maul Strikes

We Must Accelerate Our Pants

Force Lightning

Chance Cube

Effects (8)

Bad Feeling Have I


The Phantom Menace

Hell To Pay x2

His Name Is Anakin

Battle Order/First Strike


Strategy: ‘

Update Numero Dos

It’s official His Name Is Anakin is out and Broken Concentration is in. ROCK ON

And Gary Murphy Yes this deck is better than yours (about 32938947293 times better), i just dont have 6 fake accounts/homosexual lovers to give me phony 5-star ratings. Come talk to me when your Decipher rating is within 400 points of mine. Thanks.

End Update

Update Numero Uno

Drew Please learn the rules of SWCCG before reviewing my decks. Thanks. And tell me, WHO is playing enough Smokescreens that they will get one along with a character that they can put down and battle with Projective on their FIRST TURN???

Eric Hunter Saving one force for DTF isnt too hard. I start Tint/OE and play two grabbers, what more SAC protection do you want in a dark deck? And Hyperdrive? Please … can Hyperdrive win a game against any objective OTHER than this one? I dont think so.

End Update

Yeah i copied brian hunters title style. Not like it’s patented or anything.

This is the best Watto deck youve never seen. It beats anything thats not prepared for it (and thats just about everything).

This deck is just way too fast and powerful to be stopped. It starts putting pressure on the opponent first turn and doesnt let up till his life force is sucked dry. Heres how you play it, every game’s the same

Turn 1

lose YCHF. Pull Search and Destroy. You do this EVERY GAME even if the opponent could possibly put a guy down on his first turn.

Activate at least 5.

Pull Watto from deck and put him at the Yard for free. Pull him even if you drew one in your hand (there are several reasons for this). Check for the Chance Cube while youre there. Pull it too if it’s there.

You have 11 characters that can potentially hold Mos Espa first turn and have a deploy cost of 5 or less. You will draw one opening hand. Put one down at Mos Espa. Flip. If the character at Mos Espa is not Palpatine, deploy Search and Destroy. Put the Chance Cube face down and say ”You’re a Slave, use or lose” to make the opponent lose 2 (put another card face down if you want to keep the Cube if you think your opponent may make a first-turn suicide run at Watto). Draw (maybe). Save a force if the character at Mos Espa is Gragra (yes, she can hold Mos Espa first turn). Make opponent lose to S&D. That’s 3 force loss guaranteed every game before the light side player can even activate a single force.

Opponent’s turn 1

the opponent now has two options

  1. Put a guy down at a site

  2. Don’t.

If he follows option 2, pretty simple, he loses to S&D again and your drains next turn. I’ve found that most of the time when the opponent follows option 2 he saves 2 force to pay for Youre a Slave next turn. This means that you will be putting a guy in play to backup Watto for free (usually Palpy or Mara). If the opponent follows option 2 he will have lost 7 force guaranteed by the end of your second turn … maybe more. That’s pretty beefy.

If he follows option 1 he has 3 sub-options

1a put a guy in front of Watto

1b put a guy at Mos Espa

1c put a guy at some other battleground site

basically if he follows 1a he will have to put a weapon down (cuz he doesnt draw BD at the Junkyard). You should have either a Projective or a spare Watto in your opening hand, a Projective should stave off any attack on Watto, and the spare copy means you could come down next turn and drop some beats.

if he follows 1b he’ll quite possibly knock out S&D, but thats fine. whoever he puts down will clear off with your guy and you can put another one down to flip again next turn.

if he follows 1c its really of no consequence, he will fulfill S&D for a turn or so but you will be able to go fight him with free epp vaders and mauls and stuff very soon.

If he follows option 1 at all, chances are good that he WONT be saving force for Youre a Slave, so he’ll be hit with 2 force loss from that again next turn.

Turn 2 you put a guy out for free (or deal him two force loss, his choice), then start backing up Mos Espa and the Yard. Use MMove to pull the Table for force gen. The 3 locations in the deck provide plenty of force gen, especially considering you get to put guys out for free very often. The Table also gives you a place to cause a little extra damage, and a place to stick your Monnok/Ghhhk/TPMenace if you have nothing better to put face down for Slave. In fact TPM is phatty boom batty cuz if they use 2, you drop it on the Table, then drain and take it back to hand next turn. If they lose 2 you just tracked a @#$%in destiny 7. BOO YA

As the game progresses, you will bunker down your two sites while sending hit squads (at a discount) to wherever your opponent might try to set up.

Between Youre a Slave, Projective Telepathy, Battle/Strike, Grabbers, Secret Plans, Bad Feeling, His Name Is Anakin, Gragra, etc, the opponent is paying extra to do pretty much everything. Meanwhile hes gettin his nuts kicked in with drains, S&D, Youre a Slave, etc.


P-Fiddy can hold Mos Espa first turn, also great in combo with Palpy and Force Lightning (Iggy is too of course)

Projective x6 you usually get one opening hand and thats huge. early-mid game they protect you from beatdowns, mid-late they stop drains (your opponent just paid 3 for battle order, then 2 more for PT? yeahhhh buddy)

BOrder/Stike obviously i only have one ship but its a ship that can hold a system indefinitely; plus ive found that more often than not i can beat my opponent off the ground entirely, which means S&D kicks back in and this card wrecks. plus the obvious combo with PT as mentioned above.


Ill make this quick

against anything with less than 3 starting icons your speed should pretty much overwhelm them. HB flip probly wont even flip. EBO is too slow and gets wrecked by S&D. Throne room goes first i guess but starting No Escape screws the Careful Planning version and any other kind wont be activating enough unless they draw like 4 twixes opening hand. If you see Staging Areas in starting effects against Throne Room you can start His Name.

against WYS theres the possibility of a first turn EPP, prepare for that. Maul in space is big. Try to beat on anything they deploy to the ground, the turn it is deployed. Dont forget that non-unique aliens deploy +3 with Youre a Slave.

against racing of any sort you are obviously going to lose the race. Find SPlans ASAP and you will likely negate some of the retrieval. just play out your deck like always, 6 force loss is manageable.

Senate is a joke, go ahead and use your force to put guys at a non-battleground location while i hit you with S&D, sure.

Against Profit, put mad guys in the Chamber. Pile them in there. Chances are the only locations on table all game will be Tatooine ones so if the opponent never flips he’ll never drain. Damage early as usual then set up a drain at the Table and your two sites. Dont rely on any interrupts as SAC is likely.

Against Hyperdrive, yeah your site gets converted but who gives a @#$%. That deck is too sucky in open environment to worry about.

Basically this deck just wrecks everything unless it is metaed for. And even then it wins. Dark side is back, b¡tches ….

Oh yeah and I want to add in Broken Concentration, I think His Name might be coming out for that. ‘