Ralops Just Won’t Die

Title: Ralops Just Won’t Die
Author: chris "Putz" burnett
Date: Aug 29, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (6)



Prepared defences

you Can Not Hide Forever

There is no try & Oppressive Enforcement

Imperial Arrest Order

Locations (7)

Death Star

Dagobah Cave

blockade Flagship Bridge



SpacePort Docking Bay


Characters (17)

Darth Maul x2


EPP Vader

Emperor Palpatine

Janus Greejatus

Aurra Sing



4-Lom w/gun

Biker Scout Trooper x2

Sergant Elsek

Sergant Irol

Sergant Barich

Corporal Avarik

Corporal Drelosyn

StarShips (6)

Boba in ship

Bossk in ship

Zuckuss in ship

Dengar in ship

Maul’s Ship

Guri’s ship

Vehicles (5)

Tenpest scout 6

Tempest scout 5

speadder bike x3

Interrupts (12)

Twilek Advisor

Monnok x2

Projective Telepathy x2

High-speed Tactics 2

Masterful Move & Endor Occupation

Masterful Move

Ommni Box & It’s Worse


Hutt Smooch

Effects (7)

Security Precautions

There Be to Pay x2

Establish Control

Search and Destroy

Overseeing It Personally

First Strike ‘

Strategy: ‘

First off activate your 2 plus deploy a site ralltiir (forest mainly) and the docking bay using imperial arrest order and any twix or trippler sites in your hand and most likey say go to your opponent. second turn activate all you can and drop the jungle next to the docking bay on the other side so your sites go forest, docking bay, jungle. Get thoughs 3 sites under your control. Once you Flip get your twix sites and death star to get better activation and your battle destiny will be plus 3-5.

Why no tramples and more at-st’s

i simply don’t have the tramples and don’t feel like trading for them.

Why Establish control

adds 2 to the drain at my adjacent non-docking bay sites.

Why high speed tactics

i hate raiders in crafts

Why My twix sites and death star

more activation for me and and none for my opponent and i can pull them w/my objective

Against Hidden base

before activation Ditch YCHF and grab Security Precautions. Set up your characters on ralltiir and . Probe like crazy and try to keep your ships alive. Remember, wherever you have a probe card you take no damage because of Security Precautions. Find their Hidden Base (Probe with High destiny cards in your hand so they can go back when you find the Hidden Base). Eventually you should take control of the game by draining on the ground and the damage by Security Precautions.

Against RST

Stick to your game plan and hope they keep to theres cause you will be able to do more damage to them at the start of the game then they can to you and this will most likely give you the game if you can keep it up and keep it as thick.

Against WYS

Very easy. Monnok them until they wet themselves because nowadays it is podracing and you can make them lose A BUNCH of interrupts. Cancel Celebration with Endor Occupation. Make them believe you have no ships and put an all out beatdown on them.

Against EBO

This should be a fairly easy game. Keep their ships under control and drain at your sites and kill any of the characters that they bring at you. Monnok will kill the X-Wing decks. I have 2 of them too so that will be pretty harsh.

Against Tatooine Mains/Profit

set up on Ralltiir before you try to go to them for some battles so you can get your destinies plus 3-5 and so you can get important cards to go invacde there sites ‘