FORCELORDs QMC The Right Way AKA PTC (Pimp Tech Colony)

Title: FORCELORDs QMC The Right Way AKA PTC (Pimp Tech Colony)
Author: Doug "FORCELORD" Kitzman
Date: Aug 31, 2001 Rating: 4.0




Pimp Tech Colony/Independent Operation


Cloud City Guest Quarters


Keeping The Empire Out Forever

Stike Planning

Do, Or Do Not/Wise Advice


Cloud City Core Tunnel

Cloud City Carbonite Chamber

Cloud City West Gallery

Cloud City North Corridor

Cloud City Docking Bay


General Walex Blissex

General Crix Madine

Corran Horn

Corporal Beezer

Lando With Blaster

Pucumir Thryss <- The Pimp

Obi-Wan With Saber

Palace Raider x2

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x2

Qui-Gon Jinn x2

BLUE (8)

Z-95 Bespin Defense Fighter x3




Lift Tube x2


Luke’s Saber

Qui-Gon’s Saber

Heavy Turbolaser Battery

Sensor Panel x2


Taking Them With Us


Battle Plan/Draw Their Fire

Menace Fades

Cloud City Celebration

Traffic Control


The Signal

Gift Of The Mentor

Power Pivot

Off The Edge x2

Path of Least Resistance x2

It Could Be Worse x2

Lift Tube Escape x3

Radar Scanner x5

Strategy: ‘


Look for up dates at the bottom. Ok so grab your 2 generals out with SP. Pull a 2 force bar site. The Z-95s are only 2 deploy for 5 power and only 1 deploy after objective flip. Use Madine to get Beezer and deploy them to flip your objective after a couple of turns getting your sites out. Deploy a Lift Tube to Beezers site with 2 Lift Tubes and 3 lift tube escapes this shouldn’t be hard. Use Beezer to get the Sensor Panel and slap it on the Lift Tube. Also Palace Raiders rock on the Lift Tubes. Ok so here comes the tech. You get to use Radar Scanner to look at the dark side’s hand and you can put an interrupt or effect back into the used pile. This is control at its best. You can pull your cards from your force pile all day long and always know whats in their hand and get rid of all their cool interrupts and effects. You can battle, drain and retrieve worlds of stuff. You can react to or from battles with the Tubes. Path Of least Resistence to also help you to get to or from a battle. You can use your It Could Be Worses to stop podracing damage and all kinds of stuff because you can pull all their ”Its Worse”s out of their hand. If the only ship you used to flip was 1 Z-95 then move down to the docking bay and put some guys their for back up until you get the ships for space. You can even pull the docking bay with the flipped side of your objective.

Ok so how do I hold space? Slap out Defiance with Heavy Turbolaser Battery on it. The Turbolaser adds 2 to its power for starters. Slap out Taking Them With Us. Ok so now you get to target their cap ship and draw 2 destiny at minus 1 total only you get plus 2 to each draw from defince and you minus their cap’s defense value by 4 with Taking Them With Us. So this means that it would only take a draw average of two 3’s to take out the Executor which isn’t to hard with this deck plus Thrawn on Chimera would die with two 0s. So you say well thier only hit and minus 5 power so big deal right? Well then you play Power Pivot to make them lost so that they are just gone from the battle. Then you retrieve your power pivot and do it again later if you need too. This is Big Blues worst enemy. Oh and Taking Them With Us makes it so that your non pilot warriors are deploy minus 1 forfet plus 1 and defense value plus 2. Yeah thats right defense value 9 for


So this is about the biggest beast of a QMC deck that I have seen. With some fun tech to boot. I mean it was great when I took out the executor with the tech combo which isn’t that hard to pull off when you can get a card from your force pile every turn. Oh and thanks to my brother Don for the Heavy Turbolaser Battery tech (The admiral’s Orders was my idea though). So this deck should have a good shot of winning against any dark deck which is why its so cool. If you liked this take then keep an eye out for my future decks which will all start with FORCELORD.


Ok couple things. First incase it didn’t cross your mind you can use the Radar Scanners to take senses and the like out of their hand. If they sense it then they lose 2 cards and the sense and your card goes to used so it does the same thing anyway. Also just thought I should say that you put out Cloud City Celebration and track for Off the Edge for lots of force retrievel and Battle Plan and Menace Fades will really make you win the game so take note of them.

Response to Joe. Take note that Radar Scanner works the whole game letting you see the dark side’s hand and pulling out interrupts and effects. Lift Tube also reacts to and from battles for a 6 destiny plus Palace Raiders add a destiny and make them move for free and the Sensor Panel adds 1 to power and landspeed. If you remain unconvinced build the deck and play with it. The deck wins real well. Also Dash is not needed and there is no room for him. You see Dash won’t stop Thrawn from killing everything but the Turbolaser combo will. You can put out General Blissex for free on a moncal and he can cover some of the forfeit as can other guys and ships (like the Bespin fighters which come out for 1 force for 5 power after the objective is flipped) that you put out. You see since you retrieve with Cloud City Celebration and Off The Edge(which you track destinys for and there are alot of high ones in here and you pull out the low ones)and you pull cards from force pile every turn then you just keep putting out more ships and guys there. I think it would be hard not to control Bespin with this deck.


Ok so as it seems the Palace Raiders don’t do anything but its not the end of the world. Just swap them out for EPP Leia and EPP Han.

Response to Voice of Law.

Dude take a chill pill really. 2 stars is a low review I gave you 3 and 1/2 stars which is a good amount just not a great amount. If you think this deck sucks I say let a decent player you know build it and he can wreck you with it over and over again. Like I said above just swap out the Raiders for EPP Han and EPP Leia its not like the Raiders were the whole deck.

Response to faramir.

Well dude I can only go off of what I know and I can tell you that I have beat court in space before with this deck.

Court only has a few ships and they really just don’t do to much to me I can just forfiet things all day long and then put out new ones my guys won’t ever go away. Hey no doubt your giving me a low raiting because I said this could beat your deck but thats cool it just tells me what kind of person you are. I give you the same challange I gave Law above.