Watto is da man aka The Hostess’ Ding Dong

Title: Watto is da man aka The Hostess’ Ding Dong
Author: William "FredDurst100" Diniega
Date: Sep 4, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1)

No money, no parts, no deal/ I own you(start)

Locations (4)

TatooineWatto’s joint (start)

TatooineMos Espa (start)

Blockade Flagship Bridge

Tatooine (episode 1)

Characters (20)

Emperor Palpy x5

Watto da man x4

Darth Maul x3 (tatooine)

Darth Vader, DLOTS x2

Mara Jade, Palpy’s hand

Grand admiral thrawn

Prince xizor

4-Lom with con. rifle

Navy trooper fenson

Dr.e and Ponda B.

Starships (5)

Maul’s infiltrator

Fett in slave 1

Bossk in hound’s tooth

Zuckuss in mist hunter


Weapons (3)

Maul’s lightsaber

Vader’s lightsaber

Mara’s lightsaber

Interrupts (18)

Prep defenses (start)


They’re still coming through x2

Maul strikes x2

Neimoidian advisor

We must accelerate our plans

Tarkin’s orders x2

Omni box/ it’s worse x2

Force lightning x2

I have you now x2

Imp command x2

Effects (8)

You can’t hide forever/Mob points (start)

Imp arrest order/secret plans (start)

Crush the rebellion (start)

Battle order/first strike

The phantom menace

No escape

Do they have code clearance?

enter the bureaucrat

Podracer (1)

Sebulba’s racer ‘

Strategy: ‘

OK, first off, please don’t tell me I don’t have enough locations. All i need is 6 force a turn. That’s all i had against many decks and this deck still beats it. I’ve never won by less than 20. Don’t say I don’t have enough space because I beat a hidden base flip being played by a 1900+ player by 44. The deck is a machine. The direct damage plus the one sith beatdowns is enough to take an opponent out of force.

First turn, you want to get Palpy to Mos espa and Watto to the junkyard, flip, and make your opponent lose 2 force. If you have another force, move palpy to the junkyard and pull a force lightning. It’s hard to plat this deck without a way to protect watto early. People have tried to play jar jar and kill him with his text and out of commision, but I just shock him. Of course you pull the force lightning with palpy. If your opponent brings down luke or another big rebel, pull I have you now. If you move palpy to the junkyard first turn, on the second turn, play another guy to mos espa and make him lose another 2 after you’ve flipped back. If your opponent saves 2 force and there’s a system out, pull the executor and see if he’s gullible enough to le you drop it for free, if not, the 2 force loss is better. For the rest of the game, you just beatdown with the sith and cause diract damage with the objective.

I played one game where I had watto out for three turns before he got killed, I never saw another watto the whole game, but I still won by 20. This was against the hyperdrive deck that converts my junkyard.

The destiny in thwe deck is insane with 30 4s or higher.

I guess I’ll write some match ups

vs. HB

Cause as much direct damage as you can and hope they lose there systems so they can’t flip, this is why I won by 44. Within the first 4 turns he had a lost pile of about 20 cards thanks to drains, direct damage and a beatdown on the luke that tried to kill watto. Of those 20 cards, 3 were systems. If it’s a mains version, just keep battling them, the battle interrupts like maul strikes and i have you now are enough. I love to use maul and vader by themselves to go beat down han and luke.

vs. RST

This should be no problem but it could, monnok the early so they lose their charges and cause early direct damage so they lose more, if they get past that, get maul to the bunker and vader if you need him to help. Duel luke with maul if he comes down. You should have no problem, just play smart.

vs. EBO

Cause early direct damage and reduce one of their drains to 1 with enter the bureaucrat. This card is so good. Then with your ships, take another system. Believe me, this beats it, I beat one by 26.

vs. Hyperdrive

This is a joke. I destroyed one of these, the lack of mains in the deck totally lets you win the game. If mace or qui gon give you problems, duel them off or beat them down. It stands no chance.

vs. WYS

This is the toughest match up, Kyle craft gave this deck it’s only loss with wys. My main strategy is to cause early direct damage and beat down or duel luke off. They usually have han and luke together so i drop vader, choke han, play i have you now, and cut luke for overflow of at least 8. I’ve beaten wys many times, but it did give this deck one loss, but it was in playtesting. Just play smart and get around there interrupts. Zuckuss is what will help you in space but he won’t win it, xwing cannon gives him problems. Use the enter the bureaucrat on kessel, the might cancel it with control, but it’s worth a try. Like I said, this is it’s toughest match up but this deck is 3-1 aginst it.

That’s all i can think of, if you have questions d-mail me. I believe the record of this deck is 20-1 and 6-0 in tourneys and it’s beaten 1900+ players.

Well have fun and remember, mind tricks don’t work on me, only money

William Diniega