I lose to Dagobah- DragonCon winning DS

Title: I lose to Dagobah- DragonCon winning DS
Author: Andy "Solo337" McClure
Date: Sep 6, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (7)

My Lord Is That Legal/Sure it is

Desert Landing Site

Senate Chamber

Prepared Defenses

Security Control

Mob Points/You Cannot Hide Forever

I Will Find Them Quickly

Locations (4)


Death2Docking Bay


Mos EspaDocking Bay

Senate (9)

Lott Dod x2

Edcel Bar Gane

Passel Argente

Yeb Yeb Adem’Thorn


Orn Free Ta

Toonbuck Toora

Ask More

Beatings (15)

Darth Maul AI x2

Darth Maul, Young Apprentice

EJP Dengar

Dr. E/Ponda Baba



ECC Iggy

Price Xizor


EPP Vader x2

Mara Jade, TEH


EPP (AI) Aurra Sing (more on her later)

Interrupts (10)

Squabbles x2

Point Is Conceded x2

You Are Beaten

Elis Helrot

Weapon Lev

Maul Strikes

Imperial Barrier

Sniper/Dark Strike

Starships (4)


Suckass in ship

Bossk in ship

Fett in ship

Weapons (2)

Maul’s Stick

Jade’s Stick


If The Trace Was Correct

Effects (8)

Our Blockade Is Perfectly Legal

This Is Outrageous

Motion Supported

Secret Plans

Bad Feeling Have I

Allegations Of Corruption

The Phantom Gayness


Strategy: ‘

Strategy update- Response to some reviews

Rusche Good review. I love reviews that give reasons for giving a lower review. I wasn’t expecting MWYHL, and luckily I didn’t play it, but to make this beat Dagobah would require a lot of changes and I like it just the way it is. As for LS Senate, as I mentioned, I didn’t expect it either (and only saw 1 LS senate deck there), and LS Senate is very weak comparably. With the Point Is Concededs, I should have a chance by eliminating their political powerhouses, but if you really fear Senate (which I don’t because it is so raraely played), add a On The Payroll Of The Trade Federation or 2. Thanks for the review Rusche.

Bartman- Yeah, I definately would have won that game in 1 more turn. Time sucks

Forcelord- I actually have been considering playing a Naboo Occupation type deck, but the DLS start is just too strong, and I didn’t want to split my sites between Tatooine and Naboo.

lbmyers1- Bring it up in my house any time -) That game would have gone quite differently if I could have gotten ANY ONE of my 4 starships in the first 3 turns. I knew you didn’t play space (since no profit does), and without those early 10 cards to Odds, that would have been an entirely different game, I think.

Luca/Tzizvvt- I had a Coruscant Guard in the first version of the deck, but I never had trouble with non-politics people coming to fight me in the senate so I dropped it. Usually the fear of a Guard will make people leave you alone.

Bib Fortuna- I’ve found them unneccisarry. I just Elis Maul where he needs to be, and the retrieving 1 force is cool, but they are pretty useless other than that.

Dark-Lord- What the hell kind of a review is that? I don’t know what your problem is, but ”You can no longer win with just strait mains” is the biggest pile of crap ever. Uh, HELLO, I JUST DID WIN WITH STRAIGHT MAINS Besides the fact that this has beaten your best light deck at least 3 times that I can think of off the top of my head (and only 1 of them was even a close game), I won the frickin Open with it. And despite the fact that the Nashville boys were a no-show (due in no part to me), this deck beat some very solid players, and helped me win a big piece of champion glass. In addition, this deck has proven nearly flawless in EXTENSIVE playtesting, losing maybe 2 games out of 50+ (I don’t keep track, but 50 is a very conservative estimate). So yes, I can win with straight mains.

End response to reviews-

Well, there it is folks. Plain and simple, senate beats. No Shaft junk, no janky stuff of any kind, just mains and more mains, backed by Political Effects and senators to maximize damage potential, and cancel some force drains here and there.

The basic idea is the same every game. Pull Trace and Carida (barring Don’t Do That Again) before you activate, get your 1/0 docking bays, and try to get Maul to the DLS and Dod and any random senator to the Senate. From there, just cancel a drain a turn with This Is Outrageous, and use Lott Dod to pull the beats and eliminate whatever they put at sites. Despite only 4 starships, this deck also can put the hurt on them in space with massive attrition. It is not at all uncommon(thanks to Lott Dod), to see Guri In Stinger, 4-LOM riding in Zuckess, and Bossk at a system midgame, and I get 4 battle destinies, add 3 to one of them with Our Blockade, and add 3+ attrition with Toonbuck. Even with average destinies, say I draw 4 destinies totalling 13, add 3 to that with my PE, and 3 with Toonbuck makes 19 attrition in 1 battle. Not many space fleets can stand up to that kind of abuse for long.

The same attrition adding tactics can be used on the ground, along with key battle interrupts and killer characters to eliminate most every card opponent plays. You can only attack one or 2 sites a turn, and that is where This Is Outrageous comes in.

This deck may look a little weak in the Senate to you, but I’ve found that the senators are plenty to flip early, and non-senate decks will rarely come to the senate. I did not expect to see LS Senate at all, but the Point Is Concededs gives me the edge even against LS Senate. I had more senators and anti-senate interrupts, but they were just unnecessary.

Other than senate, the character selection is pretty basic. Maul is, unfortunately a God, and Vader is the man, and the bounty hunters rock, and the destroyer droids are huge with the boosted senator destinies. With Lott Dod it’s ultra easy to get Aurra Sing and Weapon Levitation together, which works great as a surprise. I call the AI Aurra Sing EPP Aurra, because, as Rippotoe pointed out, you can see her nipples poking through her shirt. So she’s Aurra Sing with nipples.

It would seem like generation is a problem, but I always seem to get plenty. If I’m huring for generation, I just get Tikkles and go control my Mos Espa docking bay and get 4 generation from it (+2 for Tikkies and +1 for Mob Points). Another important factor is that most games I only give away 2 force all game. I usually don’t deploy my Espa Docking Bay, and leave my opponents hurting for activation.

What about Don’t Do That Again? Well, a lot of LS decks don’t play it, and even when they do, all I have to do is occupy a system (which I can get with Lott Dod if needed). If a LS deck is racing, they would have to choose Don’t Do That Again as their ONLY effect, and most decks won’t do that.

No podracer? Well, I figure that any LS deck that podraces is going to beat me whether I have a racer or not unless I add some interrupts, so just let them have it. Podracing is gay, but I can handle the force loss. Hopefully you’ll be able to grab Secret Plans with Lott Dod, and save it until LS has won the race (during your control phase), and drop it on them so they can’t retrieve.

And now, some matchups

WYS Ok, this is the big one. 3 out of the 4 decks I played at Dragon were WYS, and everyone knows it’s the biggest LS deck there is. There will be no Padme, so your DLS drain is safe without Menace Fades, and you should be able to keep the WYS deck from controlling a site. Edcel Bar Gane makes them weak on the ground. Most games I drop EPP Vader or Mara or someone in the Cantina and drain for 2 all game long (+2 more with Motion Supported), and Maul does his damage, and the Bounty Hunters and Destroyer Droids chase the pathetic little smugglers around tatooine. Use This Is Outrageous to cancel the Kessel drain, and go to space in force once you have your ships together. Don’t forget Lott Dod even once. Early game you probably want to go ahead and get your space fleet in your hand so you will be ready to attack when the time is right. Once you have Guri, Stinger, Bossk and Zuckess (4-LOM is a nice addition as well), no WYS space fleet can survive without an X-wing cannon to kill the Stinger. Avoid the cannons at all cost, but try to keep presence up in space, at the very least, to avoid Battle Plan. Motion Supported and This Is Outrageous should give you the edge in this matchup. My only loss to WYS was to Praskac, because I played stupid and didn’t get Secret Plans or Allegations out until the VERY end of the game, and he ended retrieving insane amounts of force, as WYS is prone to do.

Profit I usually start Mara and Dr. E/Ponda Baba, except when certain nameless @#$%gots won’t let me (only joking, Paul-). I try to do as much damage as possible early by controlling the senate and getting Maul to drain for 2 a turn and moving Mara and Dr. E to Jabba’s Palace to drain an additional 3 per turn. A couple of turns of that kind of damage (especially with Motion Supported), and the force they retrieve won’t matter. If you would rather protect the AC then abandon it, you certainly have the means to do it, as you can see in Paul Myers’ TR from Dragon. Space is huge in this matchup, as most Profit decks won’t have a ship, so you should get a scot free drain of 1 or 3 (with Motion) a turn at Carida.

Rebel Strike Team I’ve never played against a really good boomrace deck with this one, but I imagine it would work a little like profit and you should be able to defend the bunker with characters and battle interrupts. If you have any input on this matchup, let me know and I’ll consider it.

Dagobah You lose. Plain and simple, as far as I can learn, there is no way for this to beat a test to 6 deck. Once Great Warrior is completed, you can drain for 3 per turn at maximum with this deck, and they will probably just outlast you. Luckily, Dagobah is not that strong against other decks, so it is not often played.

LS Senate Well, if anyone is dumb enough to play this, you should probably beat them. DS is much stronger, and with Point Is Conceded to take out their big guns, you should dominate the senate. Your senators do MUCH better things than theirs, and you have more of them. As long as there is no Coruscant Guard there, throw any radom Beats character you have extra for forfeit. You should have the edge in this game as well.

Well, I think that about covers it. Feel free to D-mail me with any questions, and enjoy
