Matt’s Pile Deck; Hyperdrive Style

Title: Matt’s Pile Deck; Hyperdrive Style
Author: matt "Tasa" wehner
Date: Sep 6, 2001 Rating: 3.5




Hyperdrive Has Gone Out

Don’t do That Again

Scrambled Transmission

Do Or Do Not/Wise Advice

Credits Will Do Fine

City Outskirts

Watto’s Junkyard

Preparred Defenses


Rendezvous Point

Yoda’s Hutt

Jedi Council Chamber

Home One War Room


Playgirl Threepio

Plo Koon

Jar Jar Binks


Dash Rendar




Lando w/Ax x2

Mace Windu

Ki Adi Mundi

Obi Wan, Padawan x2

Qui Gon (Tat.) x3



Pulsar Skate


Double Agent x2

Weapon Lev x2

Sorry About The Mess/Blaster Prof x2

Rebel Barrier x2

Too Close For Comfort x2

Out Of Commission/Trans Terminated x2

Were You Looking For Me x2

Shocking Info/Grimtaash

Nabrun Leids

Are You Brain Dead?


Goo Ney Tay

Revolution x3

What Are You Trying To Push On Us?

Draw Their Fire


Landing Claw

Obi’s Stick

Chewbacca’s Bowcaster

Qui Gon’s Stick x2

Panaka’s Blaster

Strategy: ‘

Here we go. Okay, this deck has a lot of thought behind it, I sorta stole the idea from a friend who played the Revo’s against me and Jew’d me of force a lot. It really sucked. Also, I stole the idea for Scrambled Transmission/Shocking Info/Grimataash form the pile deck. Those basic strats. are good in any mains deck, this one especially because it’s hard to get things going your way. This deck wins from BEHIND. It really has to fall first in order to show it’s true power. Play it, you’ll see what I mean (basically, let them deploy to try to beat you up and then lay the smack).

The Starting-I use Scrambled Transmission to keep their hand size low. Since the deck only gives up two force, it works well since the opponent will have to draw a lot in order to get things going for them/locations. Don’t Do That Again will be explained later down. Do Or Do Not/Wise Advice lets your grabber play for free and gives you S/A protection.

Locations-All Twix locations to keep my activation high and theirs low. The Jedi Council Chamber is dangerous cause senator decks can deploy and move to it for drains, but hopefully that won’t happen. Then again, you may want them to come down because you WANT to draw battle destinies against them. Your choice whether you deploy it against a senator deck.

Characters-First off, I know the character size is small. That’s okay. This deck has to set at Watto’s location and do as much damage as it can. Basically, I try to stick QuiGon (hence three copies) to the Junkyard. His drain of two plus one from Credits Will Do Fine is strong and gets annoying against the opponent; they’ll come down sooner. Plus, his icon and the Junkyard give you +3 activation there. Threepio is a God. Obi’s a hoss. Plo is useful, but the deck isn’t based around him, he’s good in the Chamber for redrawing (did Juz ever rule abour REDRAWS and retrieving force with the obj?). Two Lando’s cause he’s huge. He ADDS a destiny, kicks someone out of battle, and with Double Agent gets rid of Mara and undercover spies. Panaka and his gun are nice, the pilots are in there for their ships, your choice to do landing claw or battle. Chewbacca and his bowcaster is like another lightsaber. I had a wookie strangle in there for him but took it out. Padme can pull Obi and QuiGon if you can’t find them and if you deploy Mace to the council instead of out to battle he can make them lose two a turn if Padme’s at a battleground. Mace and Ki-Adi Mundi are in there because they draw destiny (for your obj that’s good) and for Are You Brain Dead, a destiny 5 Houjix.

Interrupts-Double Agent kills Mara and Undercovers. Weapon Levs for protection and to find your stuff. Here’s a tip, if they deploy someone who can play the DS Weapon Lev and you fear it, use Threepio’s text to recycle a card and then play your own Weapon Lev. It’s unique so they can’t play their’s if they battle. It might “waste” yours, but at least it gaurentees you’ll get to swing or fire. Sorry About The Mess/Blaster Prof. is good for undercover spies as well as fire/swinging one of your weapons and then “operating” (lose one force to make that character lost). This helps a lot against key characters. Rebel Barriers just because you’re already doing so much to hender your oppoent doing things. Why not be more annoying? Two Close For Comfort is good because a lot of people drop down early with EPPs to try to clear sites. If they don’t leave any force, they’re screwed. Plus it’s a destiny 5, so that’s really good. Grimataash keeps them from getting a large handsize and Nabrun (if they don’t have Imperial Arrest Order on the table) will most likely win you the game.

Effects-Goo Ney Tay makes high deploy for their mains and kills Myloom’s game text. Okay, here’s the deal with the Revo’s. What you want to do first turn is go and take your What Are You Trying To Push On Us into hand. When you get a Revo, deploy it even if they have Crush The Rebellion/Evader/Monnok. See, you’ll grab their copy of that and not many people play multiples. So, they’ll cancel one revo (most people play it as soon as you deploy a revo) and then your other two will walk. Draw Their Fire is awesome when your obj. flips.

Devices/Weapons-Only one landing claw cause the only space decks I’ve seen play a little ground too and you should destroy them on the ground. Cancel their highest drain in space and you should be fine. The number on the weapons makes sense compared to the number of that specific character in the deck.

This deck is 2-0. One win against a Watto Objective (that was a close game) and another win against Endor Ops. That win was easier cause of Jar Jar and Lando. It lead to easy beat down. That and that deck can’t hold up against ground power that drains for basically three a turn at the Junkyard alone. This deck isn’t flawless, but really should beat most opponents. I want to find room for Speak With The Jedi Council x2, but can’t find it anywhere. Oh well. Hope you like and enjoy,

Matt ‘