wattos bullies

Title: wattos bullies
Author: Dunya "Hardpack" Ertan
Date: Sep 8, 2001 Rating: 4.5




no money no deal


tattoine mos espa

tat wattos junkyard

prepared defenses

all wrap up

power of the hutt

you cannot hide forever


ghana gleemort

bib fortuna

jodo kast

dr evazan combo

tusken raider

darth maul

4-lom with the pee shouter

watto x2

nute gunray


admiral ozzel

colonel davod

darth maul x2

aurra sing x2

sith probe droids x3


ree yees

boba fett with the gun

danz borin

ig-88 with riot gun

darth vader with a stick

dengar with blaster

ephant man

mara hade



prince xizor


jabba cruiser


tattoine mos eisley

market place

jabba palace dungeon


ellis helrot x2

ghhk combo x2

wato’s chance cube

hidden weapons x3

trooper sabacsx4

alter combo

evader combo


search and destroy

hutt influence

Strategy: ‘

this is retieving engine. it captures and uses sabacs to destroy destinys. watto’s gets back with sith probe droids when ever wattos gets whacked. it need sac protection.

first turn deploy wato to junk yard. grab and deploy bib to next site and flip. hit them for two. move bib to wato’s site. reflip then

second turn deploy bounty hunter to mos espe and hit them for two again. move the guy to junk yard. and so on

HB-echo base flipped

get out search and destory in the first turn by YCHF and hit them for three. watos objective and search and destroy. grab jabbas cruiser and hutts influence and drain.

senate deck

Battle like hell and drain them out. Go after them. captured them.


THis is fun. They have few characters that is hard to get power so they need to get destinies. Put guri at the cantina and make them suffer.


Load up on the audience chamber and capture them. Its going to be along game….

there is good in him

this is tough battling game. Capture luke and watch for mass drops. keep ghkk ready

This is a thinking mans deck. It has everything it needs to win. Capturing jedis and use the forfeit to take them out. It wil drain in time. It is a nice deck with tropper sabacc.

i know it needs more watos and sac protection and even jabba but it does fine without it