Introductory HB

Title: Introductory HB
Author: Tim "Easy T" Donovan
Date: Sep 9, 2001 Rating: 4.0




Hidden Base/Systems Will Slip….

Rendezvous Point

Heading for the Medical Frigate

Do or do not/There is no try

Your insight serves you well


Coruscant(ep. 1)








Luke with Lightsaber


Wedge Antilles (or Ds2 version)

Corran Horn

Chewbacca of Kashyyyk

Admiral Ackbar



Tantive IV

Lando in Falcon

Red Leader in Red 1

Home One

X-wing x13


The Signal x3

Rebel Barrier x2

It could be worse

Organized Attack

Houjix & Out of Nowhere

Hyper Escape

Power Pivot

All Wings Report In



Honor of the Jedi


Yoda’s Gimer Stick

Bacta tank

Special Modifications

Lightsaber Proficiency

Rebel Fleet

Projection of a Skywalker

K’lor slug

Legendary Starfighter x2


X-wing Laser Cannon ‘

Strategy: ‘

Drop R2 for your Indicator, accidently miscounted.

*As these cards can be a pain to get and you don’t have on, throw in either Another X-wing, another Cannon, another All wings report in or another system/site.

Before you read

This is not a championship deck. It’s a start for newer players or those who don’t want to spend their college savings putting their deck together. It is a fun deck to play, even in losing. Where you may suggest there should be other cards, do so, because it’s meant to have a lot of room for improvement. I have a crap rating and don’t care, but do like playing a game with friends for fun or the occasional tourney, which this is meant for, not convention players. The strategy section may be remedial or insulting to some, but in contrast to others on this site, it’s decipherable to new players.

Now to the strategy.


You start these cards to protect your many effects and interrupts from Sense and Alter, and to get rid of scanning crew (quite detrimental to this deck) and give Luke a chance to run away if Maul or Vader drop and you’re not ready.

(hidden base)

there is a reason for these systems. They are on either side of the parsec spectrum (0,1,2,7,8), so heavy hitting Star Destroyers cant jump around too easily to probe. If they drop a system with a viable middle jump, control it with a good portion of your fleet. Pick whatever system you want for your indicator but be sure to have good reasoning behind the choice.


Get as many systems out as fast as you can. In deploying them, don’t deploy your indicator first, or last but about the 5th or 6th one. If the opponent has a seemingly weak ground support at a site worth controlling, drop luke, but make sure to have the bacta tank, chewie, corran, lightsaber proficiency or Yoda’s gimer stick ready to be deployed that turn (you can do it, you generate sick force). Putting luke there unaided by effect or character is suicide. Drop your X-wings to rendezvous point and start loading them up on Kessel, Tatooine or Sullust. At this point try to have Honor, Rebel Fleet and k’lor slug out. Drop your unique ships to the lower parsecs or his middle jump. Then spread out and drain. Simple as that.


While spread and draining, use hyper escape or barriers to prevent a beatdown. Try to have s-foils out, but use wisely as it ruins hyper escape. Drop Legendary starfighter whenever you can and protect that ship. Don’t wait to drop it on the falcon, that can lose you a game. Play All wings when you have a good amount out X-wings out, and after he depleted his hand preferably (sense, while discourages by you starting still kills this). If you have to retrieve 4 force while he’s cardless, do that rather than attempting to retrieve 10 and getting blocked.


Have fun with it. If you’re losing, don’t play a @#$% game and drain for one with 10 ships at a system. Move them to his fleet, play k’lor slug to up your power a bit, Organized Attack for obvious reasons and power pivot because it kills. Even if you lose that battle, it had to have been a fun one, you went out with a bang and your cards didn’t rot in your hand. If you’re winning, play more conservatively, but still go out on a limb often to make sure it’s a fun game.

(Card choices)

K’lor SLug- You have 14 points of ability in a battle, you have a lot in your force pile from massive activation, you only need 4 points of ability for destiny, and hey, adding ten to your power is never bad. Underused card and fun to play.

Gimer stick- Protect Luke or Corran.

Corran-Beast against Spies and Hunters. Him and boussh are a great yin/yan combo.

Three signals- Lots of effects, 5 destiny, force to blow. Obvious choice.

One All wings?-This deck is for new players and All Wings is a surprisingly annoying card to get for new players. Two or three would be great, as with organized attack, but multiples of good commons/uncommons are something everyone wants a lot of, and not many want to trade for crap new players have.

Lando in Falcon- Read TJ Holman’s article on why it’s a beast. Also, It saves room in your deck.


I am a newer player (about a year back into it) and found this deck easy to put together, easy and fun to play, and infinitely improvable. This isn’t the current version i play, because it includes more rares and somewhat more complex strategy which are both harder for new players to deal with. I’m not pretending to be a veteran player, but am suggesting a cheap alternative to fellow new players. Along the lines of those deck architecture articles, this isn’t so much as a blueprint, that’s too concrete, this is more like a conceptual picture in your mind for your building; easily changeable and not tethering you to actually buying the building. ‘