Say Hello To My Sumo-Negros

Title: Say Hello To My Sumo-Negros
Author: matt "Tasa" wehner
Date: Sep 9, 2001 Rating: 4.0




My Lord, Is That Legal/Hell Yeah It Is

Galactic Senate

Desert Landing Site

Prepared Defenses

Crush The Rebellion

There Is No Try/Oppressive Enforcement

The Phantom Menace


Imperial Holotable


Blockade Flagship Bridge


Lott Dodd x3

Yeb Yeb x2

Tikkes x2

Edcel Bar Gane

Toonbuck Toora

P-59 x2


Destroyer Droid x9

Dr. E and Ponda Baba x2

Darth Maul, Young Apprentice

Darth Maul (tat.) x3

Nut Gunray


Maul’s Infiltrator

zuckuss in Mist Hunter


You Are Beaten

Omni Box/It’s Worse


Squabbling Delegates

Sniper/Dark Strike

Defensive Fire/Hutt Smooch x2

We Must Accererate Our Plans x2

Masterful Move x2

Maul Strikes x2


Imperial Arrest Order/Secret Plans

There’ll Be Hell To Pay

Allegations of Corruption(grabber)

This is Outrageous

Our Blockade Is Perfectly Legal


Maul’s Stick x2

Strategy: ‘

First off for clarification; look to a line in the movie EXIT WOUNDS for the meaning/joke of this deck’s title.

Here we go again, another fun deck posted by yours truely. Hopefully you didn’t get disgusted by the number of destroyer droids and you hung around to read the review.

This deck works swell, regardless of the multiples of destroyer droids. I’ll explain everything below, so read on if you’re interrested.

Starting-I view the senate objective as more abusive than it is good. It seems that it’s strength lies in being abusive so to me, that says something. The Phantom Menance basically gives me 8 ways to pull out Lott Dodd (4 mauls who deploys free to his site then deploy Lott Dodd, 3 Lott Dodds, and 1 Squabbling Delegates). And, it makes Maul a HOSS against QuiGon and Obi; even Jedi Luke. And if you go up against a LS senate deck, send him into the Jedi Council to rape Jedi’s for awhile. There Is No Try/Oppressive Enforcement is a given for grabbers and SA protection and in case someone Alter’s your political effects, but if you fear high retrieval switch it with Imperial Arrest Order/Secret Plans instead to start. Crush is total tech, of course, cause it saves your from Revolutions and keeps your opponents hand size to a minimum (unless they grab it).

Locations-Imperail Holotable and Bridge can both be pulled thanks to the interrupts and Cantina can deploy adjanct to Maul’s site if no other Tat. locations are on the table, letting him walk over for early and basically free drains.

Characters-Lott Dodd cause he lets you flip fast and his game text is amazing. Three in case he dies/in order to get him out quick (he’s a neimoidian). Yeb Yeb is of course huge as well, hence his two copies, same with Tikkes since he negates Honor Of The Jedi and activate +2 at the Cantina. Edcel saves you from WYS and EPPs, Toonbuck is great for clearing out sites do to his attrition adder. P-59 is needed more than P-60, hence his two copies. Both are good, but if you just need a quick deploy and clear of a site (say against WYS) P-59 is a given. Destroyer Droids are good - sorta. They’re not great, but against low ability characters and high destinies they’re pretty darn hurtfull. The only characters I’ve had problems hitting are Ben and QuiGon, but you can rape those with Maul anyway, so don’t sweat it. Deploy Nute Gunray when you can to the Bridge so you’re destroyer droids are +3 battle destiny. Two Dr. E’s is a given with his great gametext and all these weapons. Maul is a hoss, I threw in a Young Apprentice just cause he add’s 2 to his weapon draws. Four of him is a good number and lets you own the ground, especially with the destroyer droids/Maul Strikes/Maul’s Saber. Rememebr, Nute doesn’t allow Jedi’s to the bridge, so if they get a spy to come at ya 1)They’ll be trapped their unless all their characters die in battle 2)You can draw destiny with Nute - ability 4 3)Don’t forget Hutt Smooch.

Ships-Maul’s ship is hoss in space, but remember you have a drain cancelor political effect, so, you may not always need him (Kessel’s drain becomes canceled simply by a political effect). Zuckus is basically just like Maul’s ship - make them deploy ability to space instead of ground. I was thinking of trying to squeeze in a 4LOM to add a destiny in space, but couldn’t find that much room (and didn’t feel it was that needed).

Interrupts-You Are Beaten doesn’t gaurentee a win, but in the right battle it certainly puts a little “umph” that direction. Omni Box/It’s Worse to cancel It Could Be Worse (another way to help gaurentee a win). Monnok/Evader to kill Revo’s and handsize. Squabbling Deligates to get senators, and Sniper/Dark Strike to remove another character from battle and to kill undercover spies if needed or to just sniper someone annoying during your control phase. Defensive Fire/Hutt Smooch is really good. Protection against undercover spies and it lets you, combined with the objective, remove 3 random cards from opponent’s hand during your turn. We Must Accelerate Our Plans to get effects and the Bridge, Masterful Moves are for the Imperial Holotable. Maul Strikes is almost always the BEST card to get with Lott Dodd.

Everything else should be close to a given. Have fun.

Matt ‘