Pile of Destiny

Title: Pile of Destiny
Author: John "LordMaul" Terwilliger
Date: Sep 14, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (9)

Chief Chirpa’s Hut

Home One War Room

Hoth War Room

Tatooine Marketplace

Rendezvous Point

Slave Quarters

Yavin IV Massassi Ruins

Yavin IV War Room

Yoda’s Hut

Characters (14)

Ben Kenobi


Captain Han

Chewbacca Protector

Corran Horn

Daughter of Skywalker

Jar Jar Binks

Lando w/Ax

Luke Skywalker JK

Luke w/Stick

Obi w/Stick

Qui-Gon Jinn x2

Threepio w/Parts

Starships (2)

Gold Squadron 1

R2 in Red 5

Interrupts (18)

Gift of the Mentor

Heading for the Medical Frigate

It Could Be Worse

Out of Commission/Transmission Terminated

Rebel Barrier

Shocking Info/Grimtaash

Sorry About the Mess

Star Destroyer x2

Strangler x2

Surprise Assault x4

We’re Doomed

We Wish To Board At Once


Effects (10)

A Tragedy Has Occurred

Bacta Tank

Battle Plan

Don’t Do That Again

Do or Do Not/Wise Advice

Insurrection/Aim High

Honor of the Jedi

Scrambled Transmission

Traffic Control

Your Insight Serves You Well

Weapons (7)

Anakins Stick

Ewok Catapult x2

Intruder Missile x4

Strategy: ‘

Starting Slave Quarters


	Insurrection/Aim High

	Scrambled Transmission

	Do, or Do No/Wise Advice

This deck bases its strategy primarily upon high destiny and force choke.  At the beginning of the game you should get at least one site.  In the entire deck you only give your opponent one force.  The effects cover pretty much every deck type that is out there right now, if something is more prevalent in your area, swap an effect to kill it in instead of an effect that kills a deck that no one uses.  No pods, because there is no room, if podracing is extremely common where you play throw in the pod.  Even without it there is a chance that you could win the race without one if your 7s come up at the right time.

There are 12 sevens in this deck.  With traffic control and some tracking you should be able to draw 7s for every destiny after a few turns.  

At the start of the game do not attempt Surprise Assault.  Draw up the cards that you need and get some heavy activation going.  Most likely your opponent will be forced to do the same in order to get some activation of his own.  Use Scrambled Transmission to pull Shocking Info/Grimtaash and hit him every time he goes above 13.  If he’s playing Crush with Evader/Monnok get out A Tragedy Has Occurred asap and grab his Monnok (most decks run 1 at the most 2).  You should then be able draw up as large a hand as you need.  High activation will allow you to deploy your characters wherever they are needed without any trouble.  This deck primarily focuses on damaging your opponents strategy.  

A few turns into the game you should have drawn up most of your cards.  Use traffic control to recirculate the 7s and 5s if they are not needed.  Threepio will allow some easy tracking.  Don’t use Boushh at a site where your opponent has a bunch of low power characters, save that site for Surprise Assault.  A site with Emperor, Janus and 4-Lom can cost your opponent 13 force easily.  The only places your opponent will be able to drain are sites with Maul or Vader.  Use Boushh there.  If your opponent has some key characters down at a site, throw Boushh with Anakin’s Saber.  Get at the Marketplace and use Sorry About the Mess, then retrieve it.  Track it with Threepio and do it again the next turn.

If you draw up enough of your cards you’ll get down to under 15 life force.  Then We’re Doomed goes into play.  Your opponent will have to choose whether to grab We’re Doomed or Surprise Assault, if he grabs Surprise Assault (which will be happening earlier than We’re Doomed) then the game is over.  Four Surprise Assaults is all that you will use in a game anyway.  With Threepio on table We’re Doomed rounds down on force loss, so all drains of 1 are gone, and drains of 3 are only 1.  With Threepio tracking we’re doomed you can destroy all of his damage against you.  

Why only Gold Squadron 1?  If you’re playing straight up space the choke will slow down your opponent enough that he will have trouble getting anything down (Don’t Do That Again will kill DB activation and Battle Plan will make him pay for every drain).  In most dark decks space is just to protect against light space, so you probably won’t need anything.  If he has a system down Corran and Captain give two destiny and protection against Zuckuss.  The Bacta Tank supplies you with a fresh Han every turn (it can be fun to watch the look on your opponents face when you draw two 7s and kill the Executor).  Jar Jar can be extremely useful in taking out the droids that everyone uses now.  It will drive you opponent crazy when he goes to Bacta Tank and returns to the table the next turn for only 4 force from you (if you track correctly you can kill extremely high ability characters with him).

Match Ups

Hunt Down (Start Don’t Do That Again in place of Scrambled Transmission) Get our HOTJedi to quickly slow down Visage damage. The choke should keep him from deploying Vader very easily (he doesn’t have enough force to deploy from the start). Don’t deploy Luke early. Most of these decks only run a few characters (Maul, Vader and Mara) so just keep killing one of them to prevent them from suspending HOTJedi. The high destinies provide good protection in duels; Ben or QJ would be difficult to beat. Use non-Jedi’s to kill the Maul, Mara and Vader and drop into the Executor with Corran or Jar Jar for drains.

Anything Space (non-TIES) (Start Don’t Do That Again in place of Insurrection/Aim High) Without you giving any force and no Mob Points your opponent is going to have a hard time getting any of the powerful ships down. Use the Falcon very carefully to take out a big ship. Get to any sites that they have down and drain, use Surprise Assault against smaller ships.

TIES The easiest match up you’ll ever have with this deck. Wait for a system with six or more TIEs, then Surprise Assault them for a huge force loss. The largest victory I’ve had with this deck came against TIEs.

RalOps If they go with biker scouts or AT-STs surprise assault will pound them quickly. You’ve got plenty of force to drop you characters, and QJ is not affected by the objective. Battle, use Boushh, Anakins Stick and Sorry About the Mess to take out key locations. Jar Jar can also be useful in taking out any of the droids that you go up against.

BHBM Two battling decks going up against each other. Your high destinies combined with the Bacta Tank will allow you to get the advantage here. Use Ben Kenobi extensively to pull people back.

Court If you even see this deck anymore Surprise Assault will slaughter the low power aliens, and battles will finish off the rest of the deck; easy victory.

TDIGWATT If they go with aliens Surprise Assault will quickly take them out. Get to the marketplace early to get Surprise Assaults retrieved. Use Boushh with Sorry About the Mess to take out their mains and block drains. Battle whenever the opportunity arises, and don’t be afraid to take over Cloud City.

ISB Interesting match up because ISB rarely sets out to battle. If they go with multiple ISB agents with drains Surprise Assault can take out huge amounts of force (as much as 5 per character). React to your opponent’s moves and use the sabers to reduce the high forfeit characters to 0.

Senate How cares if destiny draws are –5 in the senate? Attack with sabers and kill Lott Dod and use battle destinies (Gift of the Mentor) to get enough power. Jar Jar can be useful again here as there is nothing about his text in the objective’s text.

Watto’s Junkyard Drop Boushh into the junkyard and hack up Watto every time he comes down. Aim High allows you to throw Watto back into the deck for 8 force and if they don’t have any force your opponent does not retrieve 4. When attacking the junkyard use Lando or Jar Jar to take Watto out of the battle and give you your destinies back. If the Emperor Janus combo comes down Surprise Assault and make them pay.

Numbers Who plays it? If they do drop Insight and drain at their own sites.

This covers most of the deck types that are out there right now. I hope you enjoy playing this deck, just remember that it is battle oriented. Take out the main characters with high power and Surprise Assault the weaker characters.