Tatoo Celebration 2 0

Title: Tatoo Celebration 2 0
Author: Chris "Wedge231" Wodicka
Date: Dec 26, 1999 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (6) Tatooine Cantina Tatooine Jundland Wastes Tatooine Obi-wan’s Hut Tatooine Tosche Station Tatooine Jabba’s Palace Tatooine

Characters (15) Han with Heavy Blaster Pistol Leia with Blaster Rifle Chewbacca with Blaster Rifle Luke Skywalker x2 Ben Kenobi x2 Obi-wan Kenobi x2 Obi-wan with Lightsaber Tawss Khaa Orrimaarko Bron Burs B’omarr Monk x2

Starships (7) Red Leader in Red 1 Tantive IV Spiral Gold Leader in Gold 1 Lando in Millennium Falcon Corellian Corvette x2 Red Squadron X-wing x2

Interrupts (21) Quite a Mercenary Sorry About the Mess Sense x3 Alter x3 Gift of the Mentor x2 Clash of Sabers x2 Grimtaash Courage of a Skywalker x2 The Signal x2 Transmission Terminated x2 Careful Planning Nabrun Leids

Effects (9) Eject Eject x2 Tatooine Celebration Ultimatum Battle Order What’re You Trying To Push on Us Mechanized Failure x2 Draw Their Fire ‘

Strategy: ‘

Start Tosche and Obi’s Hut. Deploy Obi to Hut as early as possible and move his to Tosche. Then activate alot and beatdown. I decided to change this deck alot from the old one by getting rid of Junkin and grenades and the speeders. It’s now mains and toys with SAC, space, and the basic stuff. I added Eject Eject as an easier way to deal with Fett in Slave I and Dengar in Punishing One. Mechanized Failure is for Big Blue walkers and since AT-AT’s landspeed is 1, it should be effectie for a few turns. I hope this deck turns out better than the last one.

Modifications made on 12/27/99 Take out one Clash of Sabers for Glancing Blow, take out one Mechanized Failure for Anakin’s Saber, and take out one sense for Obi-wan’s saber. ‘