Quiet Time In The City

Title: Quiet Time In The City
Author: Cat "CatLoneRogue" Ceder
Date: Sep 19, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Quiet Mining Colony/Independent Operation


Cloud City Guest Quarters

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Keeping The Empire Out Forever (like you didn’t see that one comin’)

Squadron Assignments

Do, Or Do Not & Wise Advice

-Epic Events-

Boonta Eve Podrace


Tatooine Podrace Arena

Cloud City North Corridor

Cloud City Downtown Plaza

Bespin Cloud City



Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x2

Luke With Lightsaber x2

Han With Heavy Blaster

Leia With Blaster Rifle

Lando With Blaster Pistol x2

Qui-Gon Jinn x2

Jek Porkins (Yes, Jek)

Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Captain Madakor

Ric Olie

Captain Panaka

Tawss Khaa


Pucumir Thryss

Corran Horn

Lieutenant Williams

Padme Naberrie

Dash Rendar

Threepio With His Parts Showing


Qui-Gon Jinn’s Lightsaber

Panaka’s Blaster

X-Wing Laser Cannon x2



Red Squadron 1

Red 6 (Yes, Red 6)

Queen’s Royal Starship

Radiant VII


Sorry About The Mess & Blaster Proficiency

Bacta Tank

Aim High

Cloud City Celebration

Menace Fades

Honor Of The Jedi

We Wish To Board At Once x2

Too Close For Comfort x2

Battle Plan & Draw Their Fire

A Tragedy Has Occured

A Jedi’s Resilience x2


Anakin’s Podracer (the obvious) ‘

Strategy: ‘

Greetings again.. another one… yes, I know that’s 2 in the same day… amazing…

Anyhow here is my newly revamped QMC/Late Game Podracing deck… which believe it or not is undefeated at this point in time with 3/0

Certain cards

Well obviouslly the Podracing jank is in there…and your probably wondering why it’s in there and not starting. This is a late game podracing deck. When the Obj is flipped I can cycle through and get the cards that I need so that I can win the podrace quickly.

A Jedi’s Resilience, I want to make the most use out of my EPP’s w/sticks… so that I can continue to use them again and again.. This is crucial believe it or not and is what helped me win one of the games that I played.

Most of the cards pretty self explanatory, however your probly wondering why the heck Jek Porkins is in the deck… Well originally I had Red 7 and the pilot, but I was looking at it and wasn’t that satisfied with it… so I went with a higher Destiny ship…and BAM Red 6 came to me…and well I might as well add the Porky to go with it… which believe it or not w/a X-Wing gun sat at Bespin a whole game draining for 1 a turn… That’s another reason why the Guns are there…and there are two of them for the destiny 5, but alot of people that want to use ZiMH will think twice when I have Wedge and Porky running around Kessel w/Cannon’s locked and loaded… (a side not I was also going to use Hobbie/Red 4 but decided again aginst it, although that may change)

Against decks…

Well I really can’t say to much here although I could type alot and lie some that wouldn’t work well so against the two decks that it has gone up against that I do know…

HuntDown/Podracing - I beat this deck twice and even tho I lost the Podrace both times (loosing 11 as well) I still held fast and won by 5 one time and 1 another time…. you gotta love Corran Horn dropped in at the Executor along with Luke w/ and Obi w/ and then controlling the Executor sites for a FD of 4 a turn. The battles were grand and Qui-Gon running from Maul w/his Lightsaber and confronting Vader - that was a battle contention of equality… except for when he draws a 4 and I draw 2… then I loose. But either way… It’s held it’s own cause of character control.

Maul’s Mains & Toys on Tatooine - I just took over Bespin. Set up and force drained and his drains of 3 weren’t really hurting because of Menace Fades and my retrieval of 2 made his FD 1 and mine 6.

Against other decks I would recommend that you start like normal, hold Bespin and take that quickly flip your Obj. Get the Podracing stuff out and then somewhere in the game start the race and get 6, then drop a Kessel and get a 3 Drain off and of course Bacta Tank your characters so that they can come back again and again and again…

Good luck

“Kubaz Collector” ‘