Quick deal 2 0 Please rate

Title: Quick deal 2 0 Please rate
Author: Will "enhasa" Price
Date: Sep 19, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting (7)

This deal is getting worse…/pray I dont alter it…

Cloud City Downtown Plaza

IAO/Secret Plans

Prepared Defenses

No Escape


Im Sorry

Characters 18

Corporal Drelosyn

Sergeant Elsek

Sergeant Barich

Sergeant Irol

These guys are the dream team of troopers, just sick



Jodo Kast

Admiral Ozzel

Darth Vader w/ saber x2

Prince Xizor

Mosep (who just rules in a speed deal deck)

Miiyoom Onith


Lando Calrissian

General Tagge


Dannik Jerriko

Interrupts 17

Id just As Soon kiss A Wookie x3

Imperial Supply x4

Sense & Uncertain is The Future x3

Tactical Support x3 (gotta get those troopers fast)

Control & Set For Stun x3

Shocking Revalation

Effects 7

Dark Deal x3

Cloud City Occupation

Lateral Damage

Search And Destroy

A Disturbance In the Force

Starships 7

OS-72-2 in Obsidian 2

Obsidian 7 x2

Obsidian 8 x2

Zuckus in Mist Hunter

Vaders Personal Shuttle

Locations 4


Bespin Cloud City

Cloud City Chasm Walkway

Cloud City East Platform ‘

Strategy: ‘

Before I start… yes menace fades does tend to eat this deck for breakfast. I am not too worried about it because I have occupation and some battling power to fall back on.


To Wittens Hand I don’t have all the trooper assaults because I only have four troopers in the deck. The chance of me getting one when I need it is kinda slim. I might consider putting them back in if I add more troopers. I will be putting in an executor once the new effect comes out in R3 (allows me to deploy executor for free to bespin). As for guri and thrawn… I just don’t have any )

To SillySilhan The imperial supplies are in there so that I can activate force for a set for stun, or a wookie kiss, or my second turn deploy. They are extremely helpful in this deck since the interrupts cost and there is a lot of deployment on turn two.

******END OF UPDATE*******

******UPDATE TWO**********

to Luca/tzizvt I know a lot of these characters are just some crappy fillers. As I mentioned, I just don’t have any of the good cards. No mauls, no enhanced Bounty Hunters. Once I get them they are going right into this deck. I don’t have the second site in for I*m Sorry because having that fourth site down makes it that much easier for the deal to get cancelled.

******END OF UPDATE***********

Turn 1

Draw your hand. Before you activate, take Chasm Walkway into hand using I*m Sorry. Activate. use IAO and objective to deploy CC and the docking bay. Play Chasm out of your hand. All your major sites are out now on your first turn. Unless you have drawn search & destroy, sac YCHF and deploy it (unless you suspect numbers). Draw your force pile to get the stuff you need for…

Turn 2

You should activate at LEAST 8 force, assuming you get none from your opponent. On average you will probably get 10 force. Use one of the four imperial supplies if you don’t have enough force for initial deployment. Play a tactical support if you have one. Ideally, you want to deploy your troopers this turn. If you don’t get the cards, you can just play some of the higher deploy cards OR if its available play Uncertain is the future (after deploying some stuff in your hand) to not only disrupt your opponent but also to draw some needed characters and/or needed starships. It is imperrative that Dark Deal gets on the table this turn. play whatever you can to draw more cards, just get a tie or 2 to cc, and deploy one character to each site, play the Deal, and move them to the central location. Bam, deal is on the table, and you have a small force at centralized at your middle site.

The rest of the game is pretty easy. you should drain very heavily after you get the deal out. Roll with the punches, and deal your own. Use uncertain is the future to cycle through your deck and draw the characters you need. Reinforce each site with the bigger characters in the deck and hold the three sites (if not possible, hold at least two). Get mosep on the table and make them lose from the reserve deck. losing 10 from reserve is going to be a major turning point in the game. I added in Miiyoom to deplete their character base and to just screw them up (incase you don*t know what she does, I suggest you look her up caus in the current metta she is a dominatrix). Miiyoom eats senators for breakfast, along with the RST scouts and all mains but leia. She can be a killer card. Since I generate so much force I can afford to pay to make them lose stuff.

Controlling bespin is sorta tricky. The space in this deck is more sector oriented, so I tend to not deploy bespin in some cases if they have a lot of space. Only if I am really secure will i try to set up the occupation. Sometimes it is not worth the risk of a major beatdown just to do an extra 2 or three a turn.


Defense is the best in this deck. The Wookie Kisses are awesome (thanks Yuck Wookie Breath), its a great way to send back that one scale tipping character to their hand and dominating the battle. Set for stun also rules, you can send back chewie or another low ability character to change the tides in a just initiated battle. Ideally, I want to keep the battles to a minimum and be left to drain, but this deck has the power to take some names if it needs to. I know a lot of the characters are not ideal (sebulba, tagge, Dannik etc.) but I just don’t have the cards to add in the power characters. If I get any of those bounty hunters with guns believe me their going in but until then I have to make due with whats available. This is just a speed deal deck that has more power for the mid game to back it up. Thanks for reading

*A cool combo Opponent deploys to battle+Set For Stun+Wookie Kiss=next turn Miyyoom is gauranteed at least to make them lose two cards in their hand. Also, Uncertain is the Future + Miyyoom text is great.

Thanks for reading my deck, Don’t forget to rate it ‘