MylordMartin Is That Legal - now even better

Title: MylordMartin Is That Legal - now even better
Author: Martin "MylordMartin" Falke
Date: Sep 20, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting 5 (+2)

MylordMartin, is that legal?


Mauls Hut

Prepared Def.

Imp. Arr. Ord./Secret Plans

Locations 5

Death Star

Mos Espa DB

Executor DB


Cantina (better against WYS and immune to Lost in Wilderness)

Characters 23

Lott Dod (x2)

Tikkes (x2)

Orn Free Taa

Passel Argente

Yeb Yeb Adem´thorn

Aks Moe

Toonbuck Toora

Edcel Bar Gane

Emp. Palpatine (x2)

Darth Maul (x3)

Vader with Saber (x2)


Prince Xizor

Janus Greejatus

Dr. E/Ponda Baba

Rune Haako

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Ships 4

Zuckuss in MH

Bobafett in S1

Maul`s Ship


Effects 12

  • This is Outrageous

  • Our Blockade is perferfectly legal

  • Accepting Trade Federation Control

Wipe them out (start against race)

First Strike

Security Precautions

You cannot hide forever (start,if you expect numbers)

The Phantom Menace (start against Light Senat)

Allergations of Corruption (start against Dagobah)

TINT / OE (start, if you expect SAC)

Ability, A., A.

Search and Destroy

Interrupts 11

No Civility, Only Politics

Squabbling Delegates (x3)

Force Lightning

The Point is Concceded

They`re still Coming through

You Overestimate their chances

Projective Telepathy

Force Field

I have you now

Strategy: ‘

YES, First of all, this deck looses all races.

Against race, deploy to senat and retrieve the force you lost with Squabbl. Delegates.

If your game is non interactiv, use your Objective (2 cards in used pile for 3 force) each turn. Often I catched ”I did it”…

Against Mains, drain in space for four, against space decks, do the same at the 3rd Marker. Against Dagobah or Profit cheese search for Projective Telepathy and A.,A.,A.

Lott Dod is the key to win your games. Search for the cards you need and you will always be prepared.

Force Field and You overestimate their chances kills the hit and run strategy. For example against profit deploy ALL characters (not senators…) to the chamber and wait for him. With a power of 20 or more, tripling the battle damage should finish the game (And don`t forget the political effects +3 to your destiny, -3 for opponents destiny)

Why the changes to the older version?

<> Death Star for Throne Room

  • Against main decks with revolution you need each singel force you can activate. Also I never was drained there for three, I could cancel this drains (and even this was not necessary) and I play 4 powerful ships. Don`t deploy this card against Hidden Base and WYS, but in these machtups you always have enough force.

<> Thrawn and Chimaera for IG in space and Monnok/Evader

  • Immune to attrition <6 (9), power 11 (13), and two destinys (+3)

I poited out that I never played Monnok or Evader in a situation when I was under pressure - I had won the games also without this card.

<> Search and destroy for Motion supported

  • These cards do exactly the same damage to opponent, the difference is, that Search and destroy works against Dagobah and Hidden Base which are two of the tougher matchups.

Ok, you cannot deploy this card from deck, but what exactly does Lott Dod???

Some matchups

Hidden Base

Sec. Prec., Maul in Space, Cancel Kessel Drain and probe. Janus and Empy in Cantina. Thrawn will kill them.

Profit (race or non-race)

Deploy two aliens. Flip, deploy to chamber, search for FF and YUTC and drain him in space. Cancel Anger Fear Aggression and deploy AAA and skip the activation phase. Deploy Search and destroy and wait for him.


same as profit. Kashyyyk, Search and destroy and AAA are your friends

Light Senat

Beat him out of the Senat

Not a joke. This deck kills Bacta Senat, I tried it more than 10 times. Your senators are faster and better. Flip first turn and let Lott Dod do his job.

Deploy Rune Haako with Phantom Menace to senat, grabble Might of the republic and check opponents destiny with Yeb Yeb in your weapon phase.

With First Strike and Haako you are retrieving two Force each battle.


Take your time. (This was my fault when I played against Bastian at Continentals)

Cancel the Kessel Drain and limit his battle destinies at sites. Maul is a beast in this game and space is the key for winning.

Remember you have unlimited Senators for canceling drains and your opponent has only 3 (6 with flipped WYS) Control/tunnel vision.

Some nice card for a seventy cards deck…

  1. Dark Lord of the Sith (SE)

  2. 2nd Projective Telepathy

  3. Mighty Jabba

  4. P-59

  5. Monnok /Evader

  6. Maul Strikes

  7. Crush the Rebellion

  8. 2nd Janus

  9. Sim Aloo

  10. Ghhhk / TRWEU

Have fun,

Martin ”MylordMartin” Falke ‘