Xizors Gambling on the Pods

Title: Xizors Gambling on the Pods
Author: Tim "Timharold" Harold
Date: Sep 20, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting (9)

Agents of Black Sun/Vengeance of the Dark Prince


Coruscant Imperial City

Prince Xizor

Start Your Engines

Boonta Eve Podrace

Wattos Box

Tatooine Podrace Arena

Sebulbas Podracer

Location (3)


Death Star Docking Bay

Coruscant Docking Bay


Emperor Palpatine x 6

Guri x 2

4-Lom with Concussion Rifle x 2

Vigo x 2

Price Xizor

Aurra Sing

Djas Puhr

IG-88 With Gun

Jodo Kast

Dengar with Blaster Carbine

Boba Fett with Blaster Rifle

Starships (4)

Bossk in Hounds Tooth

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter x 2

Boba Fett in Slave 1

Weapons (1)

Stun Blaster (SO GOOD WITH JODO)

Interrupts (15)

Twilek Advisor x 4

Force Lightning x 2

Evader and Monnok x 2

Sniper and Dark Strike

Control and Set for Stun

Podracer Collision x 4

Pit Crews

Effects (9)

Presence of the Force x 2

No Escape

Mobilization Points

Secret Plans

Battle Order

First Strike

Crush the Rebellion

Imperial Arrest Order

Strategy: ‘

The Deck list is quite similar to many of the current AOBS out there but you have to realize that there are only a certain of number of cards that can be played and i have chosen some cards for my local area which you need to do if a certain deck type is in you area.

Some Cards to Remember

No Escape Epic Events are immune to Honor of the Jedi

Jodo Kast with Stun Gun Destiny + 3 to return back to hand

Crush the Rebellion Cancels Clash of Sabers

Heres How We Start

First Turn We Deploy starting effect, sites and characters. Hopefully you can get a twilek and in the first turn to get out IAO or any other useful effect. Dont Forget To Draw Destiny for the Podrace. In one game i have draw 2 Twileks, and the Emperor and finished the race in 3 turns

The Destinies are extremely high and winning races arent not to hard. Having the twileks should help you get out the Presence of the Force not only to increase your force drains but also your force genreation. With the ability to see your destinies and force pile getting out cards you need and damaging another players pod racer with pit crews is easy. Using podracer collision if the race is very close can also cause much stress for your opponent. Usually you have finished the race by the 4th turn, have effects out, have the emperor and xizor at battlegrounds draining and causing the objective to do its damage. With the Evader Monnoks you should be able to stop annoying doubles your opponent has.