Vote Now Vote Often Vote Sith

Title: Vote Now Vote Often Vote Sith
Author: Douglas "Douglas" Harvilla
Date: Sep 24, 2001 Rating: 4.5




My Lord, Is That Legal?

Epic Event

If The Trace Was Correct


Galactic Senate

Desert Landing Site

DB 94

Executor DB


Political Action Committee(13)

Lott Dod

Orn Free Ta x3

Tikkes x2

Edcel Bar Gane x2

Passel Argente x2

Aks Moe

Toonbuck Toora

Baskol Yeesrim


Darth Maul x3

Darth Maul, Young Apprentice

Darth Vader With Lightsaber x3

Sith Probe Droid

IG-88 With Riot Gun

Dr Evazan & Ponda Baba

Grand Admiral Thrawn


Maul’s Lightsaber x2




Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Bossk In Hound’s Tooth

Dengar In Punishing One


I Will Find Them Quickly, Master

Crush The Rebellion

IAO & Secret Plans

YCHF & Mobilization Points

Begin Landing Your Troops

This Is Outrageous

Accepting Federation Control

Blast Door Controls

The Phantom Menace x3


Prepared Defenses

Evader & Monnok

Defensive Fire & Hutt Smooch

Squabbling Delegates

Maul Strikes x2

The Point Is Conceded x2

I Have You Now

Sniper & Dark Strike

Force Field ‘

Strategy: ‘

Tailor your trio of starting effects to the objective you’re facing, and try to flip early. The Phantom Menace helps a great deal, getting Lott Dod from the deck if Maul is on table.

Much has already been written about the Senators. By now, you are probably aware that the destiny average of such a deck becomes insane once it flips, when it comes to weapon and battle destiny draws, anyways. So the hit squad is designed to take advantage of it.

During your Control Phase, make sure you use Lott’s game text, do all your force drains, hoping the opponent will lose cards from hand or play interrupts, letting you wreck whatever is left over by using 3 force to make the opponent put back 2 cards. Mix in Defensive Fire recycling and perhaps being pulled with Lott Dod, and you can really mess with your opponent.

Pull the political effects out as soon as possible. These are wonder weapons, and can be used indefinitely as the Senators can be reycled. Along with Orn Free Ta and The Point Is Conceded, that’s a lot of recycling high-destiny cards.

The Sith Probe Droid should be deployed when it will recycle a card you want to use or track later, like Evader & Monnok or The Phantom Menace. The same goes for the retrieval from Squabbling Delegates. Timing is more important than quantity of retrieval here.

Activation? Ample, especially when you get Maul for free and can flip at the Senate using 3 force. All the LS themes that force you to use up gobs of force also give you icons.

Sense/Alter? If I really saw much Light Side S/A being played, I could be bothered to put in Oppressive & DODN. As it stands, I’m not worried about it. Try and knock it out with the objective text or let it pile up and swat it with Evader/Monnok, immune to Sense thanks to Crush The Rebellion. ‘