But i wanted to go to the tosche station and pick up some force icons

Title: But i wanted to go to the tosche station and pick up some force icons
Author: Martin "Bill Ferny" Warlick
Date: Sep 26, 2001 Rating: 3.0



‘Starting (3)

City Outskirts

Careful Planning

Tosche Station

Interupts (33)

Its a Trap

Hans Dice x2

Sense x2

Blaster Proficiency x2

Dont Underestimate Our Chanses x2

Alter x2


Jedi Escape x3



Control + Tunnel Vison x2

Were Doomed

A Jedis Pantience

A Step Backward x3

Entering the Arena x2

Old Ben x6

A Jedis Resilience

Effects (3)

What Was It x2

Brisky Morning Munchin


Anakins Pod

Characters (13)

Master Luke

Master Qui-Gon


Chewbacca, Protector

Leia with Gun

Obi-Wan, Padawan Learner

Padme Naberrie

Shmi Skywalker

Naked 3PO

Han with Gun

Jar Jar

Loci Rosen

Chewie with Gun

Locations (4)

TatMos Espa Docking Bay

Wattos Junkyard

Slave Quarters

Podracer Bay

Weapons (2)

Lukes Lightsaber

Jedi Lightsaber


Mercenary Armor

Strategy: ‘

Basically the only strategy i have is to get Qui Gon and a bunch of other characters at the station and then i just kill anyone that comes my way. ‘