You mean we only had 1 Only 1

Title: You mean we only had 1 Only 1
Author: Bill "TacoBill" Kafer
Date: Sep 27, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (6)

1x Mindful of the Future

1x Security Control

1x Tatooine City Outskirts

1x Tatooine Wattos Junkyard

1x Credits Will Do Fine

1x The Hyperdrive Generators Gone/

We Need A New One

Characters (24)

1x Captain Panaka

1x Horox Ryyder

1x Jar Jar Binks

1x Liana Merian

1x Mace Windu

2x Master Qui-Gon

2x Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padawan Learner

1x Padme Naberrie

1x Phylo Gandish

1x Queen Amidala, Ruler of Naboo

2x Qui-Gon Jinn

2x Ric Olie

1x Sabe

1x Sache

1x Senator Palpatine

1x Shmi Skywalker

1x Tendau Bendon

1x Threepio With His Parts Showing

1x Yane

1x Yaura

Starships/Vehicles (2)

2x Queen’s Royal Starship

Weapons/Devices (3)

1x Panakas Blaster

2x Qui-Gon Jinn’s Lightsaber

Effects (2)

1x A Tragedy Has Occured

1x Brisky Morning Munchen

Interrupts (20)

2x Alter

4x A Step Backward

2x Control

1x I’ve Decided To Go Back

1x Losing Track

1x Might of the Republic

1x Neck and Neck

2x Sense

2x Stay Here, Where Its Safe

2x Too Close For Comfort

2x We Wish To Board At Once

Locations (3)

1x Tatooine

1x Tatooine Marketplace

1x Tatooine Mos Espa Docking Bay ‘

Strategy: ‘


Bravo 3 Who do you know that plays only 1 Squabbling Delegates? It’s huge in Ep.1. I’m sure some people have only 1, and thats why they play only 1, but people who have more, play more. By grabbing that, it sets back retrival, it denies an easily trackabe card, and it keeps tem from a senator loop. The other card to grab would be Acelerate.

Ken Bradford You play THGG, you know how it wins. It stacks cards (direct damage), it has drain potential, and you always win the podrace, especially after you flip (retrival). What deck with direct damage, retrival, and drainage do you know of that doesn’t win?



With 24 characters, you should always have 2-3 in your opening hand. If Qui-Gon isnt in your hand, pull him out first turn with City Outskirts. Qui-gon should be able to hold Wattos Junkyard by himself for a few turns until you set up. By the time you flip you should have drawn the QRS and Ric Ollie. They are good. They can beat almost anything

in space, and they stay alive. Its basically just a battle deck which can kick rump if need be. Also, I built this with poracing without starting it or even a racer because its broken. A Step Backwards doesnt affect you, an neither does Hit Racer, Podracer Collision, etc. Let me explain this loop a bit further(sp?). Once you flip is when the real power of this deck is shown.

The ASB loop happens when you play ASB during your deploy phase, drop something to get a destiny, then retrieve the ASB into your hand (via the objective). During your draw phase, you schedule 3 race destiny because youre behind. Then you play ASB. That means you are ahead plus you get to draw 3 destiny. How can you lose?


NM, NP, ND Easy win. This deck was made for you to beat Watto. First and probably most important, you convert their Junkyard. This means they have to draw for Watto. Usually by the time they draw one, Qui-gon will be firmly in place. Next, this deck has the staying power with over 20 characters. They just keep coming and coming and coming. If

they manage to get a good draw, and convert your site back, then just head to Mos Espa. I’ve won this match-up without ever flipping.

MLITL? This is the deck to beat in Episode 1. Podracing or not, this deck is trouble. Make sure you grab Squabbling Delegates. Maybe a few suicide runs to kill Lott Dodd

(with RoN and Palpy because they draw destiny). Just play your game and set up at the Junkyard to do your normal damage. Ric Olie in ship will take care of any space they

have, and give you at least a nice space drain at Tatooine. If you manage to take the Senate, you can win, hands down. If not, then set up with your normal game, and retrieve

key people with your objective.

This deck is 2-0 in tournament play, and helped me win my first tournament, even though it was Ep.1. Its really fun to see the look on peoples faces when you win their race

without a podracer an retrieve 11. Too bad I can only count on racing in Ep.1. ‘