Type II Maul and Space deck

Title: Type II Maul and Space deck
Author: Eric "Omega Red" Xavier
Date: Sep 27, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (6)

Desert Landing Site

Start Your Engines

Podrace Arena

Sebulba’s Podracer

Boonta Eve Podrace

I Will Find them Quickly Master

Other (1)

If The Trace Was Correct

Characters (12)

Darth Maul x2

Darth Maul, YA x3

Keeder the Black

P-59 x2

Sith Probe Droid x3

Tusken Raider

Starships (8)

Trade Federation Battle Ship x6

Droid Starfighter x2

Weapons/Devices (4)

Mauls Saber x2

Laser Cannon Battery x2

Locations (5)

Blockade Flagship Bridge





Effects (4)

Allegations of Coruption


The Phantom Menace

Watto’s Box

Interupts (20)

Alter x3

Sense x2

Control x2

Maul Strikes x3

Nemoidian Advisor x2

Podracer Collision x3

Hit Racer x2

We Must Accelerate Our Plans x3 ‘

Strategy: ‘


About the activation, this deck generates 14 force on it’s own, and all of the locations are pullable. Add in the fact that most light decks will give you a few icons from their starting stuff and/or other locations, and activation isn’t a problem. As for the doubles, yeah, that’s a problem. The idea, however, is to start getting the ships out of my hand asap, so I deploy as soon as I get a system down. Remember that the interupt cost 5 to use, so most players don’t use it in the early game. And if all else fails I can get some of my doubles back with Sith Probe Droids and/or the race.

-End Edit-

Okay, It’s for the E1 enviroment only, that’s why there are no Vaders or Palpatines.

As I said above, I’ve yet to see any sort of light space decks, so setting up a drain of 5 a turn in space alone is pretty easy.

Malastare lets me wait until I’ve got the race won to deploy Wattos Box, which is nice. I’ve yet to have problems with the race, the interupts, SAC, Raider, Probe Droids to get back key cards and the good avg destiny has been enough.

The Battleships are great, they draw a destiny with any starfighter, all the Light side ships are starfighters, so all I need is one at a system to get a destiny draw. It’s easy to take out the QRS and/or the Rad VII with the guns, which deploy for free and as a react.

Vs Hyperdrive Maul is immune to attrition, and he deploys for free, so getting him over to the Junkyard early is easy, esp. with 5 of him, between 2 of his sticks and 3 Maul strikes, getting his stick is simple too. So now all they’ve got to do at the junkyard is oust Maul and his stick, if they have Qui Gon there I’m adding destinies too.

Vs Senate There are different types of Senatate decks, but I don’t think they’re all that strong. If they’re using Naboo, send Maul there and kill off their people, if they’re using the space/site control deck, that could be harder but overpowering them in space isn’t that hard as dark just has more Raw power in space.

Vs Jedi Council deck Don’t see them, but I’d imagine that TPM + Maul + Maul Strikes is golden. ‘