kedar the black is dead broke

Title: kedar the black is dead broke
Author: Geoff "gsiva" Snider
Date: Sep 28, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘starting (6)

desert landing site

podrace arena

start your engines

watto’s box

boonta eve podrace

sebulba’s podracer

characters (20)

darth maul x3

darth maul, young apprentice x3

destroyer droid x6



rune haako x2

kedar the black x2

aurra sing x2

weapons (2)

maul’s lightsaber x2

locations (2)

naboo battle plains

theed throne room

effects (5)

phantom menace x3

they’ll be no match for you


interrupts (25)

we must accelerate our plans x2

podrace collision x4

sense x7

alter x3

maul strikes x4

lana dobreed x3

dioxis x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

okay…like…this is the way it is watto’s box is nasty. SENSE is nasty to stop those pesky podracing interrupts. maul deploying free is awesome. undercover spies are broke when you can’t get rid of them. transporting undercover spies to any location your opponent commits to is awesome. if need be, then duel with stacked destiny (adding one to each with TBNMFY), and keep deploying maul, keep retrieving with rune (and keep redeploying rune from reserve with TPM).

how basic and good can you get? alter political effects, retrieve alter and sense, alter them again. avoid lightsabers. lightsabers=bad. space? what’s that? ‘