Type II Darth Maul Death-By-Drain

Title: Type II Darth Maul Death-By-Drain
Author: Jedi "jedizeke" Master
Date: Sep 29, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1)

My Lord, Is That Legal?

Starting (7)

Coruscant Galactic Senate

Tatooine Desert Landing Site

Tatooine Podrace Arena

Start Your Engines

Boonta Eve Podrace

Sebulba’s Podracer

I Will Find Them Quickly, Master

Locations (1)

Blockade Flagship Bridge

Epic Events (1)

If The Trace Was Correct

Characters (24)

Darth Maul (x4)



Daultay Dofine

Sith Probe Droid (x2)

Coruscant Guard

Aks Moe

Baskol Yeesrim

Edcel Bar Gane

Lott Dod (x2)

Orn Free Taa (x2)

Passel Argente (x2)


Toonbuck Toora

Yeb Yeb Adem&þ (x2)

Keder The Black

Weapons (2)

Maul’s Lightsaber (x2)

Devices (1)

Maul’s Electrobinoculars

Effects (2)

The Phantom Menace (x2)

Political Effects (4)

This Is Outrageous

Accepting Trade Federation Control

Our Blockade Is Perfectly Legal

Motion Supported

Interrupts (17)

Alter (x2)

Sense (x2)

Maul Strikes (x2)

Podracer Collision (x4)


No Civility, Only Politics

Squabbling Delegates

We Must Accelerate Our Plans

The Point Is Conceded (x3) ‘

Strategy: ‘

The deck’s biggest strength is its ability to deal the Light Side early damage and to continue causing Force loss, disrupting the opponent’s strategy from the beginning of the game and preventing him from recovering. The 4 Mauls may seem like overkill, but this virtually guarantees that you get him in your opening hand, allowing you to set up the drain at the Desert Landing Site by the second turn. Also, you’ll almost always get either a Maul’s Lightsaber or a Maul Strikes (which is basically the same thing early on) in the opening hand, so on your first turn you get to pull and deploy If The Trace Was Correct, deploy Maul for free, deploy his saber on him, and be Force draining for 3 at the Landing Site by your second turn.

If you have Lott Dod in your hand (or have The Phantom Menace on the table so you can deploy him from there), along with another senator, deploy them to the Senate right away to flip your Objective, and use it to start looking for your Political Effects. The great thing is that it’s only taken 1 turn to deploy If The Trace Was Correct, Maul, Maul’s Saber, Lott Dod, and another senator, flip your Objective, get a Political Effect into your hand, and set up a minimum Force drain of 4 by your second turn. The Light Side will have trouble battling you before you’ve done some serious early damage, and by the time they’re ready you’ll have added plenty of your own reinforcements.

Put P-59 and P-60 with Maul at the Landing Site and Dofine at the Blockade Flagship Bridge, and you’ve got 16 power, 2 battle destinies (3 or 4 if you use a Maul Strikes), a lightsaber, two Destroyer cannons, and a Force drain of 3 all at one site. If they put Amidala down to stop your drain, just use a probe droid to get Maul over there and capture her, making the rest of the game even easier. Oh, and if they should happen to kill Maul somehow (he’s immune to attrition and defense value +2 when with Jedi, thanks to The Phantom Menace, and no one else is really a threat), you’ve got 3 more to play with, and they deploy free to the Landing Site every time (you’ve gotta love that).

Use your Alters on their Political Effects right before you win the Podrace, so you’ll get them back right away, and try to keep the Probe Droids in your hand until you’ve just lost something important (like a Maul Strikes) or the Queen goes down and you really are intent on capturing her. Stack up in the Senate, and make sure to get the Coruscant Guard there to prevent attrition-causing suicide runs by the opponent. Once the Podrace is over, it’s always fun to put somebody at the Podrace Arena and use Motion Supported to get Force drains of 3 or more there. When you have all of your senators down and you’ve got some good stuff in the lost pile, Squabbling Delegates is nice to give your Life Force a quick boost.

Another important feature is Keder The Black, whose assassination function is secondary to his usefulness as an Undercover spy. Since there are no anti-Undercover cards in the Episode 1 environment, there’s nothing to stop you from deploying him where the Light Side is getting their biggest drain and blocking it without risking battle. The only limitation is that he can’t frevent the Light Side from making Credits Will Do Fine work, but if they’re running THGG, just get Maul and Company over to the Junkyard, use a Maul Strikes, and watch the look on the opponent’s face as his entire gameplan goes down in flames, along with his Jedi and everybody else at the Junkyard. ‘