Into the void

Title: Into the void
Author: Jason "Mr. Black" Herrin
Date: Oct 1, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (10)

Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi

Epic Duel

Boonta Eve Podrace

Visage Of The Emperor

Watto’s Box

Sebulba’s Podracer

Start Your Engines (replaced)

Meditation Chamber


Podrace Arena

Locations (3)

Death Star II Docking Bay

Spaceport Docking Bay

Executor Docking Bay

Characters (16)

Lord Vader X2

Darth Vader Dark Lord Of The Sith

Darth Vader With Lightsaber

Mara Jade The Emperor’s Hand X2

Darth Maul X3 (tatooine)

Grand Moff Tarkin

Janus Greejatus



4-LOM With Concussion Rifle

The Emperor (Yep, the RII one)

Dr. Evazan & Ponda Boba

Weapons (3)

Darth Vader’s Lightsaber

Maul’s Lightsaber

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Starships (1)

Maul’s Sith Infiltrator

Effects (8)

Visage Of The Emperor

The Phantom Menace X2

They Will Be No Match For You

No Escape

I.A.O. & Secret Plans

Security Precautions


Interrupts (19)

We Must Accelerate Our Plans X3

Maul Strikes X2

Podracer Collision X3

Vader’s Obsession

The Circle Is Now Complete

Young Fool

Force LIghtning

This Is Some Rescue X2

Dioxis X2

Force Field X3 ‘

Strategy: ‘


Wow, I can’t believe some of the folks that have reviewed the deck. From thier comments they haven’t even read the strategy or explanation sections of the post. That concerns me a little. If you don’t want to take the time to read the expanded sections then please don’t review the deck It may be another Hunt Down but that also is no reason to rate low either. Again I will address the activation, it is fine This deck works well even when the opponent gives up NOTHING That’s right, it still works. So lets once and for all put that little notion to rest people. Next, I’ll not be getting rid of some of the more high destiny situational interrupts for some of the crap mentioned. Sorry about the mess doesn’t get to work when I play Force Field. Another issue, the QMC that has been described as my ”toughest match” is a joke The whole objective is a joke Good grief, read before you review. Also I suggest that some of you may want review what some of the cards in my deck do since a few of you don’t seem to have a clue as to thier game text.


Card Selection-

The Emperor- I don’t have Palpatine, otherwise it’d be here. I’m working on getting one though. Hopefully I’ll get 2 and remove the DSII Docking Bay too. Anyway…

This Is Some Rescue- Takes care of the commonly used lightside combo OOC/TT. Plus its destiny 6.

I don’t think some of the other card choices need explanation, so let’s move pn.

Destinies, by the numbers (heh)…









That I believe places odds at about 70% to draw a three or higher each blind draw. That get’s drasticly higher when you start stacking, you know, 100% then.

To address the issue before it arises, the activation is fine. The deck has been tested against numerous choke decks lately and still had all the force that it needed. Usually playing Vader on the first turn.

Okay, on to the strategy stuff.

Turn 1- Start the race as soon as you can. Early pressure and damage equate a great deal to winning. Trust me, in the last two months the deck hasn’t lost yet. It’s the only deck I can trust right now to perform consistantly. The race will go your way. The 3 Pod Collisions and ”Accelerates” usually take care of that. The first effect to get pulled depends greatly on how and what your opponent is trying to do. If he wants to choke pull the combo and a docking bay. If he wants to play jedi pull the Maul effects first giving you a more dangerous position to the opponent, thus forcing him to play your deck and not you his.

Turn 2- Lock down the Holotheater unless your hand is loaded and you want to bait them into a huge beatdown. This trick works well often. Don’t forget to drain at Vader’s site and back him up with as much as you can. The Only deck to interfere with this defensive stance is a training/mining droid deck. (yuck) The race should now be 2/3rd’s of the way over unless you’ve run into a vein of 1’s.

Turn 3- Control the opponents sites. Lets face facts, if the site had no meaning to the opponent it wouldn’t be in the deck would it? Thier locations are essential to thier strategy. take them from them and continue to apply pressure. The race should be yours by this turn. The 11 point swing will add some sting to the lose provided already by Visage. Do not let up on a ”safe” offensive posture. Do not over extend yourself. Hunt down is strong in the hands of those that also know how fragile it can become when executed too quickly.

Turn 4- Bring out your Emperor to increase the power of Mara. Maul should see the table by this turn at the latest if possible. Maul Strikes for the lightsaber if you don’t already have it in your hand. The Emperor is great to sit at a site with a couple of support characters like Janus or any of the driods. Just make sure your packing your Force Lightning and Young Fool. Since the deck is so easy to track with you should have noproblem removing even the most hardy of the opponents characters from your path.

I know that not all of you will agree with the way I’ve constructed this deck, or you just plain hate Hunt Down. If you feel that you don’t understand certain card choices or you want me to explain why I don’t play this a certain way plaese d-mail me with your questions. Otherwise feel free to post a review. What I would encourage you to do though is to try the deck, it works.

Another interesting way to use the pod interrupts is to play Collision to pull cards off your racer that you realy could use. This is only recommended when your opponent isn’t racing you. Also you can use Start Your Engines to set up your next destiny for something like a duel. It works well in a pinch.


Hidden Base- There are 2 great anti-base cards in this deck. One is security precautions. The other is Maul’s Infiltrator. Both will cripple the Hidden Base players deck. First they lose at least 10 to S.P. and then another 11 to the race. Lets see them try to play Honor Of The Jedi while I’m packing No Escape. Visage will continue to hamper them. This match is a win.

TIGIH- Maul will destroy Luke. Your mains will take control of Endor and keep it. The race and drains coupled to Visage will shut this deck down before it gets going. Plus it’ll give you a fair amount of activation, something that no one wants to give a strong Hunt Down.

QMC- This deck is easily beaten before they flip. Once flipped it becomes a little more difficult, but not hard by any means. Don’t waste your time in space, control there ground forces.

WYS- The decks most difficult match. Although it is hard you do win this one. You have multiple copies of characters and cards like DVDLOTS remove smugglers BEFORE they can seriously hurt you. 4-LOM is another weapon in your arsenal versus WYS. If they play a lot of EPP’s then Force Field will save you most of the grief they want to cause you. The race will hurt them badly, because they won’t win it. ‘