Drew’s pattented Profit

Title: Drew’s pattented Profit
Author: drew "drew man1" scott
Date: Oct 1, 2001 Rating: 4.0





Gen. Solo

Audiance Chamber

Jabbas palace


wise advice(may vary)

Innsurrection/Aim high

your insight serves you well/Staging areas


EPP leia X2

EPP luke X3

EPP obi X2

ECC chewie X2

lando w/ ax X2

EPP han X2


a vergeance in the force X2


battle plan

first strike

i hope shes alright

the camp

what are you tryin to push on us

honor of the jedi



sense/recoile in fearX3

alter X2

lost in the wilderness

fallen portal

weapon lev

sorry about the mess/blaster prof. X2

life debt

don’t get @#$%y


gift of the mentor


rebel barrier

it could be worse X2

someone who loves you

run luke run

jedi resiliance X2

free ride/endor occupation




jedi councel center

Tattooine DB

mon espa DB

cantina ‘

Strategy: ‘

Start off by either puttin luke down at the audiance chamber or draw up and get a hand you can work with, also pull the DBs. And always keep in mind to almost never draw over 12 cards for fear of monnok, most of the advanced players already know this. The one thing you have to no about this deck is that every card has a use, don;t ever look over certain things, like OOC/TT, can cancel The phantom menace, and that Skywalkers can cancel Barrier(trust me i had to do that once and it saved me the game). This deck has a counter for every thing, against podrace it has it could be worse, by the time the race is over you should have one, plus a couple of senses just in case. Weapon lev- cancel you are beaten(a devastating card)and steal a lightsabre if need be. Fallen portal good at most of the sites, mainly to take care of the three Biotches,Mara,4-lom,and janus. I mean really dont they pis* you off, esspecially when they come down 2nd- 3rd turn. Jedis resiliance- one of the best cards in the game hands down. keep your suicide mains goin with this card, also stop annoying dualling. Lost in the widerness, and a vergeance of the force. last set i got really mad when emperor and janus would come down first turn at the palace draining for 3-4, so either take out the emperor with lost in the wilderness or reduce the drain by alot possibly winning you the game in the end. seeing as i haven’t seen control in about a year i would say its safe to play with.

basicallyy kill them with direct damage and force drains/battles. the only deck that will beat this is a deck built to beat this and this alone. i’m thinking of adding disarm for the weapon lev, because weapon lev cant take care of mauls sabre, what do you think? ‘