Some Serious Abuse

Title: Some Serious Abuse
Author: Walter "Walter" Cowart
Date: Dec 27, 1999 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective Quiet Mining Colony/ Independant Operation

Locations9 Bespin BespinCC Clouds x3 CCWest Gallery (start) CCLower Corridor CCCarbonite Chamber CCUpper Plaza Corridor

Device1 Landing Claw

Weapons2 X-Wing Laser Cannon

Ships8 RL in R1 x2 Red Squadron X-Wing x3 Z-95 Bespin Defense Fighter x3

Characters23 Gas Miner x9 Obi w/Saber Luke w/Saber x2 Han w/Gun x2 Leia w/Gun Chewie w/Gun Wedge Antillies Romas’lock’Navander Lando w/Gun Pucimer Thryss Melas Harc Seff

Effects8 Battle Plan Descent into Dark Traffic Control Hiding in the Garbage Goo Nee Tay Wise Advice Flash of Insight Beldons Eye

Interrupts8 The Signal x4 On the Edge x2 Out of Comission A Few Maneuvers ‘

Strategy: ‘

 First I'll start with the deck as a whole. The idea is to achieve maximum activation through the use of gas miners.  The mission in the early game therefore is to control BespinCC and to pull out all those clouds.  You can't use the activation skill of the gas miner until you control the CC sector.  With the release of ECC there is now a predominant use of starfighters in the DS.  With that I came to the conclusion that the X-Wing cannon would be most effective.  Whatch ot for the bus though.  Just about every effect is key.  That is why we almost always start Wise Advice.  It's also why there are 4 Signals. The only Effect that needs to be out ASAP is Beldons Eye.  That is,if you want to double your activation.

The combos that make this deck(or,What do I do w/ all that force?)

On the Edge x2+Flash of insight+Descent into Dark +A Few Maneuvers or OOComission+(obviously a Rebel of ability>2)This combo essentially lets you retrieve your whole deck. WarningThis is to be done as late game as possible(like your last 5-10 force). (Scenario)You play the used 6 (or 5), recycle it,play on the edge,(call 5,recycle the 1 force),draw 6, retrieve 5 cards,activate till the 6 is on top(if there are more cards under the 6 draw itand activate what left of the reserve deck,play the 6 again,recycle it, play On the Edge(again),call 5 ,draw 6,retrieve 5, recycle,activate till the used 6 or On the Edge is on top then draw it w/Flash of Insight(you need them both),activate the rest of deck and repeat. So whats wrong w/ this? Too card intensive,not really because once you activate your deck you can search for the appropriate cards w/ hiding in the garbage. Besides,this is meant for late game therefore you have time to accumulate the right cards. Secret Plans only means that you need that much more miners.

Out of Comission+Descent into Dark+ Hiding in the garbage Activate your whole deck,play OOC, recycle it,activate OOC ,call interrupt,draw it, Play it, repeat until lost pile empty. One way to use this effectively is to watch for a Vader to Go to the lost pile,OOC the lost pile to death =no more playing Vader, no more flipped Hunt Down.