Raveling’s Episode 1 Racer

Title: Raveling’s Episode 1 Racer
Author: Michael "Gilliatt" Raveling
Date: Oct 6, 2001 Rating: 4.5




TatooineDesert Landing Site

Watto’s Box

Boonta Eve Podrace

Tatoine Podrace Arena

Sebulba’s Podracer


Blockade Flagship Bridge


Maul’s Lightsaber


Darth Maul X 2

Darth Maul, Sith Apprentice X 3

Orn Free Ta X 2

Keder the Black

Lott Dod

Aks Moe

Rune Haako

Nute Gunray

Yeb Yeb Dem’Thorn

Toonbuch Toora




Podrace Collision X 7

Sense X 7

Squabbling Delegates X 5

We Must Accelerate Our Plans X 4

Maul Strikes X 3

Alter X 2

No Civility, Only Politics X 2

Theyre Still Coming Through

Start Your Engines


The Phantom Menace X 2

Begin Landing Your Troops

Allegations of Corruption ‘

Strategy: ‘

Basic Strategy

 This deck is designed to podrace.  It gives you every opportunity to win the podrace.  Using Watto’s Box in the episode 1 environment is dangerous because the loss of eleven force is significant and the 22 force swing is taking a big chance.  However this deck is designed to maximize the chance that you will win the podrace.  

This deck also gives the LS player only a single force to work with, essentially giving them a force choke while you get a free Maul to the Landing Site.

First Turn

Put the Podrace Arena somewhere safe so that you don’t have to move Maul through it to get to any of the LS’s important locations.

 If you draw a Squabbling Delegates use it now to pull Keder the Black.  Versus a LS senate deck pull Lott Dod.  Activate and then flash Anakin.  Draw your destiny.  If you have Maul then deploy him to the Landing Site and draw.  If you have We Must Accelerate Our Plans use it to get the Blockade Flagship Bridge.  You want to get all the podracing interrupts you can into hand.  You also want to draw for all your Senses.

Next turns

Play your Podracer Collisions liberally. Use them even when you look like you are ahead. Don’t worry because you have more. You want to do this to get all the Too Close For Comforts out of their hand. Focus on the podrace. If he is draining you somewhere forget about it. Worry about winning the race and having a Sense in hand.

 If he has deployed the Podracer Bay then move Maul there.  If he is playing with Hyperdrive Generator then move Maul to Watto’s Junkyard to avoid letting him flip.  Plus you don’t really want to lose to that Credits card.  Put Keder down whenever your hand contains enough Senses and Podracer Collisions so you don’t have to worry about a drain while you podrace.  Use your other characters as suicides so you can get them back when you finish the podrace.  Battle his characters even when you will lose everyone just to whittle him down.  You’ll get them back.  You can use Orn Free Ta to block a drain if you are activating enough.

 After you win the podrace the game is pretty much over.  A drain of one or two from you will be enough to win.  Keep on battling his forces.


This is going to be the shortest match ups section ever.

Versus Hyperdrive Generators Get Maul to Watto’s Junkyard as soon as possible. Just sit him there. Don’t let him flip the objective or it makes it hard to win. Do this while focusing on the podrace. If you have Maul in your opening hand then put him at the Landing Site and move him there. If you don’t then you will have to decide versus moving him and deploying him. If you are low on podracing interrupts and Senses then deploy him to the Landing Site and move him over. If you have a nice hand filled with useful red cards then deploy him to Watto’s Junkyard.

Make sure they don’t use Eopies.

During your setup you get to place the Podrace Arena so put it somewhere where it isn’t in the middle of the Landing Site, Watto’s Junkyard, and the Outskirts.

Versus LS Senators Take over the Senate as soon as possible. Deploy your senators there even though you hardly have any. They will return after the Podrace is finished. If he doesn’t come to you then you can use Lott Dod to tunnel vision for all kinds of useful cards. Alter their political effects after they put a Senator to them and not before. That way you kill his senators before they even hit the table.

Versus Space Ignore it. You can’t do anything about it anyway. Just focus on the race. Take over whatever locations of his that you can to drain at.

Versus Pile Focus on the podrace. If you win it you have a good chance against a disorganized pile. Use Keder to infiltrate the Slave Quarters and kill Shmi.


Why so many Senses? The LS has three useful podracing interrupts. You have one. The only way to equalize this is to Sense the ones that he plays so that you can use yours. Sense only the key interrupts to make sure you win the podrace.

Why so many Podracer Collisions? You need to win the race. With Watto’s Box deployed you are almost guaranteed a loss if you lose the podrace. Some are going to get canceled by Too Close For Comfort so you need backup ones. Some are going to get Sensed so you need more backup ones. Play them liberally because you always have more.

Why There Still Coming Through? Use this to try to set up a good destiny when you podrace. I used it a couple of times to set up a nice 5 destiny on Sebulba’s podracer. I dream of the set up The Phantom Menace but it hasn’t happened yet. Maybe you can do it.

Why 2 Orn Free Ta? He is the second best senator in the game for DS. A cheap character, nice destiny, a sometimes drain blocker, and a senator to boot.

Why so few Senators? You get them back from the Podrace. You retrieve eleven which is plenty of cards.

Why Blockade Flagship Bridge? Pull this with your first We Must Accelerate Our Plans and you will have enough activation to do whatever you want.

Where is your objective? All those cards take up room that is better devoted to a bigger Sense and Podracer Collision package.

Can you really beat space decks with this? Yep. You give them no force and then podrace them for a loss of eleven while you retrieve eleven. The drain of two at the Podrace Arena is enough to win this matchup. There isn’t enough support for space decks in Episode 1 environments.

Destiny Breakdown(after turn 1)

Sevens = 2

Sixes = 0

Fives = 20

Fours = 8

Threes = 13

Twos = 3

Ones = 8

Zeros = 1

Boxes of Coruscant used for this deck = 5

Thanks to Chris Perman for loaning me the needed cards. Thanks to Graham and Grace for playtesting suggestions. Look for the Light Side counterpart coming soon.

Any Questions?