Deal with Witten or go home crying

Title: Deal with Witten or go home crying
Author: Patrick "Wittens Hand" Dennis
Date: Oct 14, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘STarting (8)


Carbonite chamber

Prepared Defenses

Secret Plans

All wrapped up

Im Sorry

Allegations of corruption

Combat Response

Locations (5)

CC Security Tower

CC Lower Passages

CC East Platform

Bespin Cloud City


Effects (5)

Bounty x2

Dark Deal

CC Occupation

Blaster Rack

Interrupts (11)

Force Field

Masterful Move x2

Omni Box & Its worse x2

Ghhk x2

Twi lek advisor x2

Weapon Levitation x2

Characters (16)

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Captain Gilead Paellion


Baron Soonter Fel

Colnel Jendon

Captain Yorr

Boba Fett


Bane Malar


Iggy W/ Riot Gun

Darth Maul (tat) x2

Lord Vader x2

Aurra Sing x2


Starships (6)

Saber 1

Onyx 1

Onyx 2


Mauls Sith Infiltrator

Obsidian 10

Weapons (5)

Dengars Riot Gun

Boba Fetts blasters

Vaders Saber

Mauls Saber

Vibro Axe ‘

Strategy: ‘


OK this isnt speed deal but everythings here for a reason…

This is basically an older school version of dark deal Bounty HUnters on ground retrieving force through those pesky bounties Vader And Maul there to back them up…

Set it up quickly or else you are going to have a hard time doing it later… In space you got starfighters for some serious damage dealing Then you got Chimera which when it enters a phone booth becomes…. SUPER CHIMERA Heres the formula


Grand Admiral Thrawn

Captain Gilead Pellaeon


This is just the perfect arrangement Two destinies for you limit them to one…

Ok now some key card decisions…

Blaster Rack - I know you are shocked to see this bit of tech… but it helps you when you only have one of each saber… It lets you get them back asap to where they are needed…

Snoova and his axe - He simply rocks… HE CAN CAPTURE JEDI LUKE EASILY and quigon and all those other pesky jedi… and swing a battle into your favor… just remember he can only do so much… capture jedi luke, but send rebel scout luke to the used pile… see the difference im stating put low destinies into the reserve deck to limit them… even if it does increase life force

Bounty Hunter weapons - WHy not… They help out with a tough job… Dengar and his riot gun will help you to capture even jedi when they are getting troublesome… Boba fetts blaster rifle will go after low ability chars and with evazan at the site you clear them away before they get a chance to hurt you…

Alright i will definately make amends to this deck as i work it into a perferct tool so tell me what you think ‘