scrubs honor

Title: scrubs honor
Author: Jonathan "Vanshitoo" Ballin
Date: Oct 15, 2001 Rating: 4.5





strike planning


rebel landin site

poadrace arena

manakins racer

boonta eve

podrace prep



back door

hidden forest trail


general crix

general solo

general lando

srg. carlson

lt. blout

COK (chewie of Kashyyyk)

luke rs

corp. kennesaric


cnl. cracken

DOS (daughter of skywalker)

srg. junkin

mjr. panno

corp. midje


mace windu

obi 1 kenobi


concussion gernade



tala 1

tala 2

gold s 1

home 1




trow me anther chargex3

endor celebration combo

the signalx2

take the initiative

losing track

a step backwardx2

neck and neckx2


the shield is downx3

insurrection combo

menace fades

launching the assault

CAP (closeair support)


deactivate shield generator

i did it


taking them with us

capital support ‘

Strategy: ‘

i hope u all saw my deck description to see why my mains r so bad.

On my first turn i pull 2 generals and i deploy crix who pulls chewie whho pulls a site(total 7 force) if i have any xtra foce i pull deactive shield generor or bunker. i keep bunker in hand until i am ready to blow it.second turn i start racing deploy more scouts try to get the shield is down(i have 3 and 2 signals). third turn i will have activated alot so maybe i deploy cruiser or tala get cap/ao going to help my scouts. fourt turn i get set up for bowing away bunker, i dedicate most of my forces to that. on the 5th turn the race should be winding down, good chance i have won (i have 23 destiny 4 or more and i pull most of my low destiny. also on the fifth turn the bunker might be blown away, or i am fighting for it. concusion gernade on bruckman helps.

if buker blown away and podrace won i have basically won because no hand and approx 32 card swing in 2 turns really hurts. anyway mid to end game i drain and retrieve scouts.

why cruisers? starship/pilots are almost all gone and i have enouph force

why podrace? i need to find a way to make my opponent lose force without enhanced characters

why me? it could happen to anyone

Pease be generous concerning my current card situation

thanx for reading pllease review ‘