Destroying with AotBS

Title: Destroying with AotBS
Author: Jeremiah "Semi-Baked" Himmelbrand
Date: Oct 16, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting Stuff (8)


Coruscant Imperial City


Coruscant (Special Edition version)

Prepared Defenses

You Cannot Hide Forever/Mob Points

Imperial Arrest Order/Secret Plans

There is No Try/Oppressive Enforcement

Characters (19)

6 Emperor Palpatines

5 Destroyer Droids

Iggy with Gun

4-LOM with Gun

Dengar with Gun

Xizor (2 total)


Televan Koreyy



Interrupts (12)

3 Oh, Switch Off

2 Force Lightning

2 Imperial Barrier

2 Projective Telepathy

2 Sniper/Dark Strike

Twi’lek Advisor

Starships (5)

2 Bossk in Hound’s Tooth

2 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

1 Boba Fett in Slave 1

Effects (10)

3 Grabber

2 Responsibility of Command

2 Much Anger in Him

No Escape

First Strike

Search and Destroy

Podracer (1)

Sebulba’s Podracer

Locations (5)

2 Hoth War Room

Spaceport Docking Bay

Death Star Docking Bay


Strategy: ‘

I am not the greatest at writing strategy sections, but I will give it a shot.

Before you activate, pull Carida with Mob Points. Pull the Spaceport DB and you usually have a Destroyer Droid in your hand first turn, deploy it and move Xizor to the DB, for a first turn flip. Generally you can protect Xizor with a Barrier or Projective Telepathy to avoid the first turn beatdown.

Since the deck has 6 Palpy’s, it is usually easy to deploy him quickly. Set up at your 2 DB’s and start inflicting damage via the flip side of your objective.

Throughout the game you want to use your Oh, Switch Offs to protect your droids and use the Sniper/Dark Strikes to eliminate your opponents characters. Also you when you set up your ROC/MAIM combo, you want to use a Destroyer Droid, so you can use the Oh, Switch Offs to avoid your opponent using Sorry About The Mess and protecting your combo.

Here are some of my reasons for certain card choices

Starting Effects I use the effects to protect from cheese.

2 Projective Telepathy To eliminate AFA’s and to help protect from beatdowns.

5 Ships To help combat space decks (WYS, HB, etc) and with Battle Plan being so popular (escpecially with Cheese decks) the ships help satisfy Battle Plan.

3 Grabbers To eliminate any interrupts your opponent plans to abuse (On The Edge, OOC, etc).

Sebulba’s Podracer This is in here to make my opponent use there Podracing interrupts on me. I have won many podraces with this deck.

2 Hoth War Rooms to get the ROC/MAIM combo up and running ASAP.

Cards I would like to add

Another Guri

Neimodian Advisor

Lateral Damage

We Must Accelerate Our Plan

If you have any questions, please feel free to D-Mail me
