Look Out Here Com The Jedi

Title: Look Out Here Com The Jedi
Author: Jassem "The Seem" Sleiman
Date: Oct 16, 2001 Rating: 3.0





Heading for the med.

Your Insight../Stagin Areas

Insur./Aim High



Yoda’s Hut

Obi’s Hut


Tat DB

Cors DB


Yoda, JCM

2x Mace


x2 Ben Kenobi

Obi-wan Kenobi

x3 LS, Jedi Knight

x2 Qui-gon

Master Qui

x2 3-po w/ parts showing


x3 Jedi Stik

x3 Obi’s Stik

x3 Luke’s Stik

x3 Qui’s Stik


x2 Light Pro


x4 Gift of the Mentor

x2 The Force is…

x3 Are You Brain…

x2 Speak W/

x2 Weapon Lev’s

x2 Blaster Def.

x5 Sense (orig.)

x2 Alter (orig.)

x2 Alter (cors.) ‘

Strategy: ‘

The strategy behind this deck is not to go get them. The main thing to do is to just drain them with the lightsabers at the docking bay and one the guys having a light pro. The only JCM to not leave the JCC is Depa. Leave her there so that way you can keep your AYBDs for Mace and so that she can look at your destinies so you can get stuff faster with 3-p0 and so you know what weapon and battle destinies you and your opponent will have. First turn, if the dark side gives you atleast one force, pull out the corsDB and yoda and move yoda over. next turn you will be getting mad force and you ca start deploying down or drawing up. if you don’t get that needed one force, pull out the HODB and just draw up to get needed cards. you need to get out 3-p0 as fast as possible to help you get out your much needed cards. If you have to go get them, use Luke and Obi with their sticks and Gift of the mentor. Mace will need to be draining at the Cors.DB with a Jedi Light and a Light pro alongside Yoda with a stick. since the characters are such high deploy, you will have a higher chance of pulling out sticks with Weapon Lev. I’ve never played this deck against anyone. i just deigned it to be fun. i’m sure it could work alot better with the new Mace. have fun. tell me if it does work.

jassem ‘