Elite Fighter Pilots Report In

Title: Elite Fighter Pilots Report In
Author: Allen "The Beast" Gaible
Date: Oct 16, 2001 Rating: 4.0





Heading for the Medical Frigate

Squadron Assignments




Yavin 4




Mon Calamari




Elite Fighter Pilots(12)

General Calrissian

Colonel Salm

Kin Kian


Lieutenant Lepira

Hol Okand


Keir Santage

Elyhek Rue

Bren Quersey

Lieutenant Naytaan

Theron Nett


Gold Squadron 1

Gray Squadron 1

Gold 5

Gold 4

Gold 6

Red Squadron 4

Red Squadron 7

Red 7

Red 8

Red 9

Red 10


The Planet Farthest From


Legendary Starfighter


A Few Maneuvers x4

It’s A Hit x2

Mindful of the Future x3

All Wings Report and Darlighter Spin x4

Control x4


X-Wing Laser Cannons x3

Admiral’s Orders(1)

I’ll Take The Leader ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck is a pretty simple space deck. Destory and force drain in the air while trying to minimize the damage done by opponent’s ground forces.


Get your matching pilots out and flying in their ships with Squadron Assignments as soon as possible. Put at least two at a system so they with draw battle destiny and with probable add some destiny to total power only. Outpower the Imperials if possible. Use Mindful of the Future to pull out all of your systems. Get out Planet Farthest From and I’ll Take Leader as soon as possible.


Control the systems with opponents ground forces on them. This allows you to play Its a Hit to cancel drains and it also gives you the option to land your ships and fight on the ground if an unlikely opportunity arises. Your characters are at least forfeit six so you might take out of there key characters on a suicide mission. But overall stay in the air.


Now is the time to play Controls to cancel force drains. Spread out in the air and force drain. One starfighter at each system should do because the opponent’s starships should be gone by now. If necessary send your high forfeit pilots down to block their drains, but again try to force drain them to death in the air.

Random Strategy

Control - Play like you don’t have any until the end of the game and it could work in stopping big drains.

All Wings Report and Spin - Necessary for getting ships out that you want. Also play a few maneuvers and then Darlighter spin for some really high destiny. If you play two with Lando in Falcon you get destiny of ten.

X-Wing Laser Cannons - Good for busting up TIEs. Also destiny 5.

Insurrection - Always make sure you remember your high forfeit.

Versus deck types

Dark Deal - Control Bespin and Cloud City with your boys. If speed deal, then control Bespin and get Planet Farthest From.

ISB - Control Coruscant and whatever system they operate on.

AOTBS - Control lots of systems yet again. Try to give a big beatdown if they go in the air.

As you can see this deck is pretty simple. It is great fun to play with and can survive in most games. Please give me any comments or suggestions you may have. ‘