The Beast (QMC) No R3

Title: The Beast (QMC) No R3
Author: James "Gold Chocobo" Lewis
Date: Oct 16, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting (7)

Quiet Mining Colony


Cloud City Guest Quarters

Heading for the Medical Frigate

Battle Plan

Squadron Assingments

Keeping The Empire Out Forever

Charecters (21

Obi-wan with lightsaber

Obi-wan Kenobi

Luke With Light Saber

Luke Skywalker, Rebel Scout

Princess Leia x2

General Calrisian

Lando with blaster Pistol

Chewie, Protector

Chewie with blaster rifle

Tawass Khaa

Keir Santage

Captain Solo

General Solo

Dash Rendar

Ten Numb (super star)

Jek Porkins

Derek ’Hobbie’ Klivian

Pucumir Thyrss

Harc Seff


Weapons (4)

X-wing laser cannon x2

Intruder Missile x2

Starships (6)

Red Squadron 4

Blue Squadron 5

Red 6

Red Squadron 7

Millenium Falcon


Interupts (17)

Out of Commision & Transmission Terminated

Path of Least Resistance x3

Off the edge

Power Pivot x2

Hyper escape

Narrow Escape

A few maneuvers x2

The Bith Shuffle

It could be worse x2

Jedi Presence

Rebel Barrier x2

Effects (2)

Menace Fades

Legendary Starfighter

Locations (3)

Cloud City Carbonite Chamber

Cloud City Incinerator

Cloud City West Gallery ‘

Strategy: ‘

Secure space with the missiles and cannons, battle and evade as needed, and do big drains.

Why i put in some cards

battle plan slows down early drains

Tawass Khaa cheap ability 4 alien

General Solo dont have any other good Hans

Ten Numb (super star) shoots down big ships with the intruder missles

Pucumir Thyrss Big drains on cloud city.

Harc Seff A walking it could be worse

Yoxgit plays free on Cloud City and can pull weapons from lost pile

Red 6 Destiny 6 ship.

Out of Commision & Transmission Terminated Recycling 5 and very useful.

Path of Least Resistance x3 evade battles.

Hyper escape evade space battles.

Narrow Escape evade ground battles.

A few maneuvers x2 recylcing destiny 6.

The Bith Shuffle stop tracking.

Also take into concideration i dont have alot of the best cards like the epp’s.

Remember use the tunnel vision every turn including oponents turns. ‘