The Destroyer with NO R3

Title: The Destroyer with NO R3
Author: Tim "Info Broker" Guzman
Date: Oct 17, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Hunt Down and Destroy the Jedi


Executor Med Chamber

Executor Holotheatre

Blockade FlagshipBridge

Tatooine Desert Landing Site

Tatooine Cantina

HothDefensive Perimeter

EndorForest Clearing

NabooTheed Palace Throne Room


Darth Vader, Dark Lord of Sith x2

Lord Vader x3

Darth Maul x2

Darth Maul, Young Apprentice

Emperor Palpatine x2

Janus Greejatus


Dr. Evazan & Ponda Baba


Maul’s Saber x2

Vader’s Saber x2


Maul’s Ship

Boba Fett in Slave 1

Zuchuss In Ship


Visage Of the Emperor x3(one you start)

Come Here You big Coward

First Strike

Crush The Rebellion

Allegations OF Corruption

You Cannot Hide Forever

No Escape

Secret Plans

His Name is Anakin

Mind Tricks Don’t Work on Me

Search And Destroy

Wrong Turn

Bad Feeling Have I


Prepared Defenses

We Must Accelerate Our Plans x2

Twilek Advisor

Sniper & Dark Strike

Neimoidian Advisor x2

Evader & Monnok x2

Force Field x2

I Have You Now x2

Maul Strikes x2

They’re Still Coming Through ‘

Strategy: ‘

UPDATEWell it seems I need to make another Update, to ask what the hell are some of you thinking? I posted this deck for those that want to build a compitive deck and NOT buy any R3. If you are so small to give me .5 stars for some dumb @ss reason, then up yours(censor). Now putting, stuff like .5 stars, because Jim should win, is just silly. I like Jim’s deck myself, in fact I gave him 5 stars, but do me a favor…rate mine for this deck…not because you know someone else, and want to hurt this one. And I like reason when you rate stuff, and reason that make sense, I might add….Like Elvis….you are wrong in more ways than one. Read below closer. Sorry to everyone else who had to read these updates.

HERE is some responses to the reviews NEXIS what do you mean the DSheilds? There is supposed to be NO R3 in this. Or do you mean what to do about them? Well? Which one would this deck worry about????

Some of you surprise me…build the damn thing and see for yourself…

Really this deck is fast and furious. The main thing that makes this deck so good, is that it is SOLID…it has all the basic stuff to win games, and then a few added stuff to throw off the opponent. This deck I have been playing with for a very long time…well with changes to it constantly. And now with the soon to be release of R3, I made some more changes, and here you go. I truly believe you can win with this even without any R3 cards. Here is some basic stuff you will need to do

First I want to say that, there is many choices of effects to use with Prepared Defenses. I didn’t put which ones to start because depending on what you are playing against, you will start differently. The basic start would be No Escape, Crush the Rebellion, and The Effect Grabber. You have 2 Accelerate our Plans, and 1 Twilek which is a must, because getting those important effects out will win you games everytime. To slow down the opponent and his NEW R3 superMains, get Bad Feeling Have I out soon, and then get Wrong Turn out and deploy it… This will slow them down so much, you will get the Fast start you need. I play with Battlegrounds, because you can them out of your deck with Neimoidian Advisor…that is the only reason…And it is a very important reason, because you will want to activate a lot everyturn, which will not be a problem with 2 Neimoidian Advisor, and the Accelerate Plans to get the Bridge. Getting the zero’s out of the deck is more important to me than packing all twix locations. Naboo Throne Room is special Tech against the New Lightside Objective. Monnok is still the best card, and so I play 2. Here is some things to do against certain match ups for those that need it…although even if you don’t need it read it anyway.

Vs The NEW LS Objective in R3

Wow this match up in my opinion should be the most fun. Here their are giving you some good Icon’s..yes and you will love it. Get the Naboo Throne room and flip them with a Dark Jedi, I would split their sites, if that is possible..(I am not looking at a deploy chart) They will not be able to Force Drain or Battle until they flip back…well where they have a Jedi anyway. And if you are a couple of sites away, that saves time for building up. They can’t battle, but you sure can, so use I have you Now or Maul Strikes where needed, and Force Field, you get the point. Monnok will let you know what cards they may have up there sleeve, and Bad Feeling and Wrong turn, will hurt their resources and all of the sudden you win. I would start No Escape, Crush, and You Cannot Hide Forever(Cool to lower Defense Value since they will have many Jedi). Lord Vader is a machine in this Match up, because of his awesome swinging ability.

Vs Wys

This should win this match up everytime. Just beware of cards like Lost in the Wilderness. Start with No Escape, His Name is Anakin, and Allegations Of Corruption. Look for Bad Feeling and Wrong turn as soon as possible…That will slow them down very fast…plus with His Name is Anakin is already out…damn there will be little they can do. Super Chewie will be to expensive, and if they do get him out then his ’up keep’ will be to much. Tat Maul is good in space, but I would have out Mind tricks don’t work, just in case, but Monnok usually lets you know what is coming. Stay indoors like the Cantina, and Naboo Throne to drain, unless you are sure they do not have a Lost in Wilderness. IG just loves Smugglers and so does DLOTS. The speed of this match will net you the win. Beware of a surprise Beatdown…WYS can do that…so get Mind Tricks don’t work out to be safe. There is many different version of WYS, and some you will need to start with You cannot hide forever well…like the racing one.


Well there is many different version of HB, but I would probably start No Escape, Allegations of Corruption and You Cannot hide forever. Monnok is key(it is easy to get their EPP’s they double up on, not just ships), and so it Search and Destroy. Never deploy more than 2 battlegrounds. Only 2 with Vader and Maul at different ones. Although Maul would be good in his if that is possible do that. Try to keep Visage working all the time. Sniper Undercover spies, and if they come to you…be happy.

Vs Ls Senate

Another fun match up. But like the other ones, Bad Feeling, and Wrong Turn will slow them down. I would start Effect Grabber, and No Escape, and Crush. These decks sometimes have SAC…so grab Sense…and of course Huntdown already has built in Sac protection. And if they are running heavy SAC, just play Monnok and make them lose all SAC..REMEMBER Monnok is immune to Sense, since Evader is with Crush. Come Here you Coward hurts a lot. You win


Start No Escape, Grabber, and Crush. Get Monnok early to see what version of MWYHL they are playing. Only put out one Battleground with Lord Vader(no other Vader) and build up the location if you want, but I wouldn’t to much. Deploy Come Here you Coward and let them take Visage Damage, and force drain damage, and play smart. This will be a close game. Key battle will win for you. Do not go to space unless you are SO SURE of yourself. Slow them down with Bad feeling and Wrong Turn.

Vs any other Mains

Well Battle and out Drain them…this deck should be faster than theirs. Get all of those key effects out like I spoke of before and all should be well. The cards in this deck will slow down the NEW CARDS from R3…they will not be able to pay the maintenance cost, because they will not have enough force. Maul is great in space or ground, and Choke Vader with the help of Janus is great. Bring all the new cards on. This deck is not afraid of them.

Cards I would like and that you may want.


  1. Wipe Them Out, All Of Them(Great Card for many reason)

  2. Elis Helrot

  3. Prince Xizor

  4. Cloud cityLower Passage instead of the Endor location..

And 65. 4-lom

Well there you have it…Enjoy and have fun. And come to FreedomCon whether you buy R3 or not.

See you there,

Tim Guzman

If you have any questions email me at or D-mail..I will help anyway I can.