Pile With An Unusual Tech

Title: Pile With An Unusual Tech
Author: mike "wickey" wickey
Date: Oct 17, 2001 Rating: 3.5




Tatooine Slave Quaters

Pod Prep


Ani’s pod

Boonta Eve Pod

Squadron Assingments


I Did It


Obi With Saber(3)


Captian Panaka(2)

General Solo

Jedi Luke


Captian Madakor

Lieutenant Williams

Ric Olie




Qui-Gons Saber(2)

Lukes Saber

Panakas Blaster


Lightsaber Proficiency


Radiant 7

Queens Royal Starship



Entering The Arena(3)

Bith Shuffle Combo

Balanced Attack(2)

Too Close For Comfort(3)

Jedis Resilience(4)

Mindful Of The Future(2)

We Wish To Board At Once(2)

Gift Of The Mentor(2)

Step Backward(4)

Insertion Planing(3)



Tatooine City Outskirts

Tatooine Podracer Bay ‘

Strategy: ‘

Hey Yall, its wickey again. anyway, this is my first attemp at pile. there is a tourny that i want to go to, but i was getting tired of all the objectives, they were just to boring in my opinion. thats just me. im not aying there not good or anything along those lines, but i was just trying to make something new. i really need advice on this so any help would be greatly apreciated.

first turn pull up shmi and threepio and draw.

race and win blah blah blah, you know what to do.

the only reason luke and han are in there is because of some tech i thought of recently. what if you were to have general solo and luke siting at the outskirts, a drain of three, cancilation of a destiny, subtracting three fron the other. and a he** of a lot of power. if proficienay on luke= 11 power and 7 defensive value. DANG.


Qui-gon sits at the pod arena, if they come use the entering the arena to add a destiny. next use the eopie and padme to add a destiny so you end up having 3 destinys and the opponent has one with not affecting you.


black sun racing= win the race, beat down empy with obi multiple times and drain crazy.

Hunt down= use resilience to cancel duels and hold you tatooine sites well

bhbm= hold your sites, beatdown when nessesary.

court= i havent seen many courts in my area so im not sure

senate= i havent played yet.

watto= ha, beat watto and rule the junkyard.

if im forgetting any please let me know.

like i saind any advice would be great, i want to be at my best fopr this tournament, and any help on strategy for the decks i haven’t played yet would be very appreciated too. ‘