Government Smack Down

Title: Government Smack Down
Author: chris "Plo-Koon" cutchins
Date: Oct 18, 2001 Rating: 4.0




My Lord Is That Legal?


Prepared Defenses, Galactic Senate, Desert Landing Site, Imperial Arrest Order/ Secret Plans, Phantom Menace, (One of the others.. depends on what they start with)


Kashyyk, Mos Espa Docking Bay, Cantina, Death Star (P)


Lott Dod (x2), DV with lightsaber (x2), Tikkes (x2), Darth Maul (x3), Orn Free Taa, Passel Argente, Yeb Yeb Adem’Thorn, Guri, Edcel Bar Gane, Dr.E/PB, Prince Xizor, Toonbuck Toora, Aks Moe, Rune Haako, Arica, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Aurra Sing

Star Ships

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter, BobaFett in Slave 1, Chimera, Mauls Ship


YCHF/MP, Wipe the out all of them, Search and Destroy, TINT/OE, Ability.. A.. A, First Strike, Allegations of Corruption, Our Blockade is Perfectly Legal, This is Outrageous, Accepting Trade Federation Control


Shut him up or shut him down, Limited Resources (x2), YOTC, Projective Telepathy, I have you now, No Civility only Politics, Boring Conversation Anyway, The Point is Conceded, Imbalance, Squabbling Delegates (x2), Force Field, They’re still coming through


Maul’s Lightsaber


Podracing is out of the Question. Lott Dod is the key to this deck (he lets you tunnel vision like a mad man)

Force Field and YOTC kills hit and runs…

Against Mains Force drain in space and fight em on the ground( Guri Prevents extra Destiny, Rune and Yeb Yeb Prevents opponents ONLY Destiny, plus the DR. kills off Han or Chewie when with DV)Don’t forget +3 to destiny -3 to destiny

Against Space Drain at the Cantina and Bust out Search and Destroy with a lil A A A … then cancel force drains with senators.

Light Side Senate you have to keep the Majority Get rid of Bacta Tank with SHUOSHD, use rune and Yeb Yeb, Start the other Effect with Allegation of Corruptions( to grab Might of the Republic)

First strike with rune is a retrieval of 2 for a battle u start.When your Objective is fliped reduce opponents hand and Limited Resources him/her.

WYSCanceling the Kessel Drain is a must, Mauls eats this deck for lunch, Dont lose your space you’ll need it trust me, Remeber to cancel force drains with senators, use some of the other strats to help you out(+3…-3)

Some cards you might wanna put in this deck instead of others

Maul Strikes

Crush the Rebellion

Emperor Palpetine

Sim Aloo



Another Squbbling Delegates ‘

Strategy: ‘

I put the strat above ‘