WYS Killa AKA Creatures Anonomyous NO R3

Title: WYS Killa AKA Creatures Anonomyous NO R3
Author: Darryll "217" Silva
Date: Oct 21, 2001 Rating: 3.5




Combat Readiness

Forest Clearing





Endor Back Door

Endor Dark Forest


Blockade FlagshipBridge


2x Vader wSaber

2x malakili


4-Lom wRifle



Mara Jade, Emperors Ho


IG wGun

Mercenary Pilot


Boba in Ship

Zuck in ship

Bossk in Ship

Patrol Craft

Ubrikkian 9000

Blizzard 2


3x Bog-Wing

3x Mynock

2x Bubo

2x Vine Snake




Dark Waters

IAO&Secret Plans

Mob. Points&YCHF

Well Guarded


Presence Of the Force

He is not Ready


2x We Must Accelerate Our Plans

Projective Telepathy


I have You Now

Masterful Move

Neimoidian Advisor

Always Thinking With Your Stomach

He Hasn’t Come Back Yet



Mara’s Saber

Antipersonnel Laser Cannon

Restraining Bolt

Admirals Order(1)

Battle Deployment ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck was made to be fun and I put the no R3 so I might just see what happens…I know this has no chance of winning freedomCon so just don’t be gay about it and give it a 1 star for not being serious..if u want a good deck look for my Senate Racing or something weird with no R3

well this deck is just plain fun cheese to play and will do good against races and what not…even the LS dueling objective for R3…I think. I will probably post like 2 more NO R3 decks so be on the lookout for more tech from me…

this deck is extremly unusual. and It kill WYS for the simple reason the mynoks can kill pulsar skate and the Outrider. and The Vine snakes can eat poor smugglers on the ground.. and then the Bog wings carry low ablity characters into beatdowns..and the Rancor just KILLS

well this deck is simple and it plays how it looks. It may not be much but most anybody can win with this beast. I haven’t lost yet, against others who have playtested against me.. which is like 5-0 record. I played WYS first and then I realized this is a beast against that and then my other friend played a MWYHL deck and my creatures ate the guy he was training and the Rancor ate Yoda. Then I played TIGIH and I won by like 3, but a win is a win….etc.

I can’t really explain this deck but there characters with low ability will get the beatdown laid on them if they don’t watch there backs.

against R3 I suggest that u not drop vader anywhere near an interior Naboo site… maybe just stick it out until the jedi squad has been dropped. watch for gay characters and u malakili to get the Rancor out for fun with Jedi then just watch as they should be destroyed….I am not too confident about this deck but it does work the new R3 may get you some trouble….but creatures at there best….hey what’sa guy too do

late- 217 ‘