Type 2 Senators {EVIL}

Title: Type 2 Senators {EVIL}
Author: Rypcord "Rypcord" Kline
Date: Oct 24, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Start [7]

My Lord, is that Legal?

Coruscant Senate Chamber

Tatooine Desert Landing Site

Start Your Engines

Sebulba’s Podracer

Boonta Eve Podrace

Begin Landing Your Troops

Locations [3]

Naboo Theed Palace Throne Room

Naboo Theed Palace Courtyard

Blackade Flagship Bridge

Political Effects [4]

Our Blockade is Perfectly Legal

This is Outrageous

Accepting Trade Federation Control

Motion Supported

Weapons [2]

Darth Maul’s Ligthsaber x2

Effects [2]

Allegations of Corruption

The Phantom Menace

Maul [4]

Darth Maul {courscant version} x2

Darth Maul {tatooine version} x2

Lost Interrupts [8]

Alter x3

Sense x3

Control x2

Used or Lost Interrupts [3]

Podracer Collission x3

Used Interrupts [2]

The Point Is Conceded x2

Senators [18]

Lott Dodd x4

Orn Free Taa x4

Edcel Bar Gon x2

Passal Argente x2

Tikkes x2

Aks Moe x2

Toonbuck Torra x2

Republic Characters [4]

Keder the Black

Coruscant Guard x3

Droids [3]




Strategy: ‘

Okay. Basically, use the good activation platform to set everything up. Then drop 2/3 Senators to flip the objective.

Win the podrace, to eliminate 6 cards from their deck, and retreive any force you’ve lost by then {probably not more then 6, or your in trouble}.

Use the objective to get your Political effects. Use the political effects to control your opponent and to make Coruscant Maul with The Phantom Menace the best fighting force in the planet.

Also, if your able to, use the objective to keep their handsize.

This deck is a killer. It beat Micheal Carr by 43/46 some.

Please review this deck fairly, as I built it mostly out of random cards from a box, with a few tweeks here and there to it.