Careful planning fun deck

Title: Careful planning fun deck
Author: Ben "big chief 4" Villy
Date: Oct 26, 2001 Rating: 2.0



’ An aging deck based on Beating opponent in air and stopping them on the ground from draining- well balanced.

Date Created October 24, 2001

Cards Locations(10)

Hoth Echo Docking Bay

Hoth (starting)

Hoth Echo Command Center(War Room)(Starting)

Hoth Snow Trench

Tatooine Docking Bay 94

Yavin 4 Docking Bay


Rendezvous Point

Yavin 4

Mon Calamari


Red 7

Red 8

Red 9

Red 10

Blue Squadron 5


Red Squadron 4

Red Squadron 1

Admiral Orders (2)

III take the Leader

Concentrate All Fire

Interrupts (9)

A Few Maneuvers

Luke’s Back

Han’s Back

Weapon Levitation

Heading for the…(Starting)

Careful Planning(Starting)

Control and tunnel vision

Power Pivot x2

Steady Aim



Strike Planning(Starting)

Squadron Assignments(Starting)

Traffic Control


Coroporal Marmor

Ten Numb

Theron Nett

Dash Rendar

Lieutenant Naytaan

Elyhek Rue

Coroporal Midge

Bren Quersy

Derek Hobbie Klivian

Daughter of Skywalker

Owen and Beru Lars

Chewbacca Protector x2

Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight

Colonel Craken

Lieutenant Too Vees

General Solo

Sergeant Junkin

Captain Yutani

Wedge Antilles Red Squadron Leader

Weapons and Devices (8)

Luke’s Blaster

X-Wing Laser Cannon x3

Enhanced Torpedoes x2

Intruder Missile

Rebel Flight Suit

Strategy: ‘


I have never lost a local match with this deck, it is very strong in the air, and almost an even match on ground. It is about the equivalent of a dark side big blue deck, only using starfighters instead of cruisers.

Reasons for cards

Luke and Blaster when against anyone with a high defense value, why the need to track destinies, just take away their immunity to attrion and make them forfeit them instead.

Insurrection lets me get my DB’s out and therefore I am activating 10 force by my third turn or so.

Careful Planning lets me start with 2 locations that give me 2 icons each at the beginning, and this combined with Insurrection, leads to a quick start.

My Starships are all pretty strong, and immune to attrion, which gets even better when i get My admiral Orders out. CAF gives me a nice power bonus since i use a lot of weapons, and it also gives me 2 chances at hitting things once per turn.

Ten Numb in Blue Squad. 5 fires torpedoes at a +5 destiny against capitals and a +3 against starfighters. Combine this with Steady Aim, and you have a +9 or +7 destiny draw. My 3 X-Wing Cannons also have bonuses when fired by Red 8,Red 9, or Red Squadron 4. With +4 destiny draws that make starfighters lost, this deck can easily take on most TIE decks.

This deck may not be strong against specialized decks, but adding a few cards can block against decks like Podracing etc.

This concludes my deck, I hope u give it a score based on its well-roundedness and reliability.