The Price Of Power

Title: The Price Of Power
Author: Jason "azreal6" Herrin
Date: Oct 26, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘This Deal Is Getting Worse…

C.C. Carbonite Chamber

i.A.O. & Secret Plans

Prepared Defenses

Combat Responses

I’m Sorry

Crush The Rebellion

Locations (5)


Bespin Cloud City

C.C. East Platform

C.C. Lower Corridor

C.C. Upper Walkway

Characters (21)

Lord Vader X2

Darth Vader, DLOTS

Darth Vader With Lightsaber X2

Emperor Palpatine

Mara Jade, TEH X2

Darth Maul X2

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Captain Gilad Pellaeon

Baron Soontir Fel

Major Turr Phennir



Captain Bewil

4-LOM With Con. Rifle



Dr. E. & Ponda B.

Weapons (5)

Vader’s Lightsaber

Maul’s Lightsaber

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons X2

Starships (6)


Maul’s Sith Infiltrator

Saber 1

Saber 2

Saber 3

Saber 4

Admiral’s Orders (1)

Fighters Coming In

Effects (4)

Dark Deal

Cloud City Occupation

All Too Easy

Security Precuations

Interrupts (11)

I Have You Now

Force Lightning

Maul Strikes X2

Force Field X2

Sniper & Dark Strike X2

S.R.F. & W.Y.B. X2

Rite Of Passage

Strategy: ‘

**** UPDATE*****

NO R3 in this deck.


Before you draw your starting hand pull

Upper Walkway

Lower Corridor

Put them into hand, then draw your starting hand of 8. During the deploy phase draw the East Platform and another cloud city site as indicated by your objective. Pull I Have You Now if it was not drawn. As you draw your starting hand use S.R.F. combo to pull out your starfighters placing the interrupt (destiny5) back into your deck. This will leave you to draw the first few cards activated into hand giving you tremendous options at the start of your next turn. From this point on you play by keeping your forces in control of Cloud City and set up your deal to increase the drains the opponent incurs. Its a very simple deck in design and play. Battle only to gain control and maintain control of your all important locations.

This deck is all about forcing the opponent to come after you on your own turf. Because once they come to you, you can control what they do to you. Rite Of Passage, Sniper combo, Force Field, I Have You Now, All Too Easy, Captain Bewil… They will be walking into the trap that should have been laid out for the in the movie. Rest assured, the Empire WILL strike back this time.


QMC- A difficult match, as is any deck that occupies the same land mass. Judicious use of your interrupts will see you through.

TIGIH- Scouts can be dificult to deal with so mass a force and react to the opponents incursions into Cloud City. Just hold the fort. You can drain with comfort in space, and if you get the deal going it should take three turns maximum to do them in.

We’ll Handle This- Make a short visit to block a drain while you set up the deal andkill them. I don’t envision this matchup being terribly difficult.

Senate- The senate has no chance to beat you without going over and stopping your deal, and then there is a huge beating in store for them.

MBO, EBO, DBO, Operratives- No contest.

R.T.P.- Set up quickly, becuase there are some versions out there that you can’t stop them from freeing Leia and getting her home, so the best bet is to set up fast and drain.

Hidden Base- You got the pieces built in to rip this thing to shreds. Don’t worry.

W.Y.S.- I honestly don’t think that this deck can win at Cloud City. Crush shuts down there big battle advantage and I don’t use SAC at all.

Well this is all of it folks. Thanks. ‘