Dueling Deaths Type 2

Title: Dueling Deaths Type 2
Author: Rypcord "Rypcord" Kline
Date: Oct 28, 2001 Rating: 3.0



‘start [5]

Tatooine Desert Landing

Tatooine Podrace Arena

Start your engines

Sebulba’s Podracer

Watto’s Box

Effects [8]

The Phantom Menace x8

Characters [16]

Tatooine Maul x7

Coruscant Maul x5

Aura Sing x4

Interrupts [25]

Podrace Colission x6

Neimeodian Adviser x3

Sense x6

Alter x6

Control x4

Weapons [6]

Maul’s Lightsaber x6

Strategy: ‘

[CORRECTION] Change the starting to add a Boonta Eve Podrace, and change the interrupt section Neimodian Adviser x2 {instead of x3}.

Almost forgot the Epic Even there… heh.

Mainly, this deck sets up to use Phantom Menace, and to get Maul, and then his lightsaber to come down and destroy all Jedi, and you Podrace to begin the game, with Watto’s Box to maximize early damage. And to give you a good amount of force generation {and your Maul’s deploy free to the Desert Landing}.

Have fun, the deck has good destinies. So the dueling should usually win. ‘