The New Deal

Title: The New Deal
Author: Blake "Zurai" Senn
Date: Dec 29, 1999 Rating: 3.0



‘Objective This Deal Is Getting Worse All The Time

Locations Bespin Bespin Cloud City CC Port Town District (Start) CC Upper Walkway CC Dowtown Plaza CC Carbonite Chamber CC Security Tower CC West Gallery

Characters DVDLOTS x2 Darth Vader Grand Moff Tarkin Ozzel Motti DS-61-3 DS-61-2 Trooper Davin Felth Sergeant Wallen Djas Puhr Zuckuss Boba Fett (CC) Trooper Jerrol Blendin Aqualish x4 IG-88 w/ riot gun x2 4-LOM w/ Concussion Rifle U-3PO

Starships Executor Dreadnaught Bossk in Hound’s Tooth OS-72-1 in Obsidian 1 Dengar in P1 x2 Boba Fett in Slave 1

Effects Dark Deal x2 Oppressive Enforcement Resistance Crush the Rebellion Battle Order Expand The Empire Cloud City Occupation Bad Feeling Secret Plans Imperial Arrest Order Reactor Terminal

Interrupts Any Methods Neccesary (Start) Twi’Lek Advisor x2 Projective Telepathy x2 Sense x2 Alter Evader Abyssin Ornament Shocking Revelation ‘

Strategy: ‘

Start with AMN, grab the prison, Boba, and BF/S1. On your first couple of turns, use the objective to get more force activation via Bespin and BespinCC, and draw as much as you feel comfortable with. Once you have 3 sites down and a starship in hand, save up force for a turn if you need to and complete Dark Deal. Flip the objective as well if you think you can hold it for a couple of turns with what you put out- don’t forget that Dark Deal adds 4 to your power at CC sites, and each starship at BCC adds 1. Also don’t forget to make your opponent pay +1 to deploy if you control the system. I usually use Slave One and forget about the grounded Fett, since Slave One can hold Cloud City by itself against the majority of decks. Add Dengar in P1 or the Bus and you will likely have Cloud City for the rest of the game. The Executor is there to keep the opponent from controlling Bespin and unflipping the obj. The main strength of this deck is that it can almost always flip on the third or fourth turn (or at least get a strong Dark Deal going and flip the next turn), giving you a minimum drain of 9 with Port Town District, the prison, and another single drain site. With that massive drain going so early, you can usually put a crimp in the opponent’s plans. If they try to fight you, one of the best things to do is deploy IG-88, 4-LOM, and Zuckuss and fight. 3 destinies, a capture, and one less weapon/destiny draw, not to mention the extra power from Dark Deal. Barring that combo, IG and Djas make a good team, as do anyone and 4-LOM. Vader can control a site with a buddy or two, and Zuckuss can provide ability for a 3-site range. If they try to fight in space, concentrate your efforts on Bespin, since that’s the key to the flip. You can give up the 2-drain at Cloud City since you’ll be giving them much more damage than that, but Bespin will give them cheaper characters and easier battles.

Against Hidden Base If you feel adventurous, use Boba in Slave 1 and the big E to hunt for their base; if not, just drop as many sites as you can, spread out, and keep as many ships as possible at Bespin.

Against M&T Twilek for an Arrest Order and Crush the Rebellion ASAP. Then spread and drain, keeping some battlers in hand and 4 ability at each site. Let them attack, add up your bonuses from Dark Deal, then counterattack on your next turn with some nasty ECC characters. If you can track destiny well, try to capture Luke or Han, else go after Chewie.

Against Dagobah Train-2 Load up the bus and go Jedi Hunting. Smack Luke/DoS (or capture, which is meaner) and the Jedi Tests go with them, leaving you free and clear to drain. Yes, if you capture a character with Jedi Tests attached, the tests are suspended. ‘