Hidden Base v 2 0

Title: Hidden Base v 2 0
Author: Erich "The E-man" Hawbaker
Date: Nov 1, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Hidden Base…

Rendevous Point

Sullust (indicator)


Squadron Assignments

Superficial Damage

Strike Planning




Ord Mandell



2x Forest


Capt Han Solo

General Calrissian

Dash Rendar

Mirax Terrik

Wedge Antilles, RSL

Derek ’Hobbie’ Klivian

Keir Santage

Jek Porkins

Theron Nett

Kin Kian

Tycho Clechu

Biggs Darklighter

Luke with Lightsabre

Obi-Wan with Lightsabre

Leia with Blaster

Chewie with Blaster


Millenium Falcon


Pulsar Skate

Red Squadron 1

Red Squadron 4

Red Squadron 7

Red 6

Red 10

Gray Squadron 1

Green Squadron 3


3x X-wing Laser Cannons

Proton Torpedos


2x I’ll Take The Leader


2x Power Pivot

2x Slight Weapons Malfunction

2x Rebel Barrier

Darklighter Spin

The Signal




Traffic Control

Menace Fades

Legendary Starfighter

Strategy: ‘

Like I said, this is a revised version of the HB I posted not long ago. The general idea is the same, but I added some new elements to it.

First, I know that Kiffex is not in here. My logic there is that with only ten starfighters, I won’t be able to hold both Kiffex and Kessel, and Kessel is a better deal for me. I am trying to keep the generation the enemy gets from me to a minimum. If I get a big fight in space, I’m going to concentrate on holding Sullust and Kessel and not worry about the others.

Sullust is the Hidden Base because I can play Haven there, and because of the depoly +1 for the enemy. With the errata, I’m excpecting them to deploy at a system (even if I occupy it), probe, and move away all in the same turn. I can stop that with Rebel Barrier and smash them good when my turn comes.

I got the idea to add Menace Fades from the HB in the expert section. It’s actually a very good idea, since the forests almost garuntee that I’ll always have presence there. Incidentally, that’s also why I use matching pilots, so I can send some down if necessary.

I dropped the Organized Attacks because I realized that I don’t really need them. Everybody is immune to <4 with I’ll Take the Leader, and just about everyone had some immunity anyway so attrition is not a serious threat.

Slight Weapons Malfunction is great because I can use it in the air or on the ground if the enemy tries to oust me from the forset. Three of my beatdown mains get a battle destiny anyway, and two can be targetted by SWM (Leia is both).

Ok, I think the rest is pretty self-explainitory. Thank you for your time. ‘