
Title: No-Dachi
Author: Haakon ".prototype." Geburtstag
Date: Nov 11, 2001 Rating: 4.5




let em make the first move (obj)

Deep hate

sebulba pod

boonta eve

naboo gen core

naboo gen

tat race arena

pod prep

fear is my ally


imp holotable


ds2 throneroom

blockade bridge

executor holotheatre


fett, upkeep hunter

janus x2

sim shady

lord vader x2

emperor (no..the destiny 6 one) x3

tat maul x2

lord maul x2

iggy with capture sextoy

4lom with cancel sextoy


stunning leader x2

i have ya now

holonet trans

the ebb of battle

pod collison x2

force lightning


accelerate my plans x3

vaders obsession

the circle is now complete

masterful move x2


energy walls

oppressive enforcement

no escape


bad feeling have i

image of the dark lord (tech)

visage of the emperor x2

phantom menace x3


mauls double cutter x2

vaders cutter ‘

Strategy: ‘

NOTE i have not listed defensive shields to be stacked under Fear Is My Ally, i leave the choice up to you as to what to stock. i recommend the grabber and do or do not as mandatory, because the usual start is Bad Feeling, and ya wanna protect it. you can go with whatever you like, but with all these massive upkeep mains floating bout…you know how it is. FOR THE FOOL THAT WILL SAY THAT I NEED WATTOS BOX, I DONT. theres another sort of box i need some of, but we wont go into that, hey? ;)


re. zwitter thanks a lot man, this is what all you other people should do instead of saying ’i have no idea’…not that i mind the 5’s from you guys. re. podracing the shield does nothing vs a non-racer deck. my differential is usually yards ahead just consider, an avg of 5+3 stacked every turn vs your opponents unmodified stack. re. space. yes..very valid point…perhaps mob points will make an apperance in the next version…along with my 3x janus trademark move to cycle thru for twixes…


Okay. for those of you curious, a No-Dachi is a form of japanese long sword twice as long as a katana. i put this deck under Expert, cause the guys who review Help section decks are usually people who like giving unfocused ideas. hopefully a better class of player will post their review here.

JUMONJI NO KAMAE (offensive posture)


you kick off with loads of force both for you and the opponent. that means you can expect early beats, but you dont really care about your opponents characters, cause they suck hardcore, and the jedi that come to you will get dueled, which is what you want. the twixes are in there for activation, if they come out in the race, leave them there. track and draw with janus. holotheatre isnt a twix, but as good as a twix if you have your two main mofos down. its like…those king size Twix bars with an extra 20%, so you can split it with your greedy ar5e friends.

lethal tech is the image of the dark lord. if your opponent is too self serving force-wise, chuck the emperor down and put image on a naboo location. no more activation for you, biatch. just dont do it when you have NO dark jedi at the site. read my latest TR for what happened to an unfortunate opponent who tried the light side equivalent…not pretty.


if the opponent comes to you with an EP beatsquad, use Stunning leader to completely dodge the battle. if they put a jedi down, duel the jedi and retrieve stunning if not, use the finger of death to finger them to death. oooh yeah baby.


keep maul in deep meditation at the 3/2, and put the emperor with retinue at the 2/2. vader can go to either site, depending on how you wanna play, or what you want to pull off, eg. circle. uncancellable drains are where its at, baby. keep the podrace happening to apply pressure utilize interrupts such as accelerate when you need to…use Masterfuls to fish good battle cards like visage.

ICHIMONJI NO KAMAE (defensive posture)


um. as for matchups, i have no idea as i just built this. i would REALLY appreciate ideas about how to counter the following

1> ANY sort of space deck )

2> wys

3> we’ll handle this

4> (senate?)pile (hayes, if you’re out there..LOL)

all i know about this deck at the moment is that it deals a very quick rush of damage, which peters out to a strong drain throughout the game, with minor retrieval happening. with that in mind, i know it kills dagobah )


if someone could address these…

1> the ebb of battle. more? if you cancel a drain, can it be grabbed?

2> energy walls. get rid of?

3> stunning leader. no good? barrier instead?

4> twixes? good? any more efficient ways of activating?

please, send in your ideas and comments for inclusion in version 2. if theres any GAPING holes ive missed in my fryed state, then d-mail me about it.

thats all i can think of right now…sayonara, gaijins.

kiss kiss,


’those americans..their eyes are so big..’ ‘