Senators start your engine with NO R3

Title: Senators start your engine with NO R3
Author: Chris "Christo" Cicconi
Date: Nov 11, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (5)

My Lord, Is That Legal? / I Will Make It Legal

Coruscant Galactic Senate

Tatooine Desert Landing Site

We Must Accelerate Our Plans

The Phantom Menace

Locations (3)

Tatooine Podrace Arena

Blockade Flagship Bridge


Senators (10)

Lott Dod x2


Toonbuck Toora

Edcel Bar Gane

Aks Moe

Orn Free Ta x2

Yeb Yeb Adem&þ

Passel Argente

Other Characters (11)

Darth Maul x2

Darth Maul, Young Apprentice x2

Coruscant Guard

Keder The Black

Tey How

Nute Gunray

Rune Haako



Weapons (2)

Maul’s Lightsaber x2

Ships (2)

Trade Federation Droid Control Ship

Maul’s Sith Infiltrator

Effects (3)


Begin Landing Your Troops

Watto’s Box

Political Effects (2)

This Is Outrageous

Accepting Trade Federation Control

Interrupts (20)

Squabbling Delegates x2

The Point Is Conceded x2

We Must Accelerate Our Plans x2

Podrace Collision x2

Maul Strikes x2

Nemoidian Advisor

Vote Now

On The Payroll Of The Trade Federation

Sense x4

Alter x2


Other Cards (2)

Sebulba’s Racer

Boonta Eve Podrace

Strategy: ‘

Please read below to see how I podrace

Also, please keep in mind that this is a TYPE II deck… rate it accordingly.

***Deck Edit I am an idiot. We Must Accelerate Our Plans is not the starting interrupt, it should be Nemoidian Advisor.

Alright, as most of you know, senators are probably one of, if not the strongest Type II deck. Just as well, podracing is a good way to cause some direct damage, while retrieving a few of your own. Now, the podracing is a bit tricky, with Ani’s pod and all those podracing interrupts. But with these senators, you won’t have to worry about them at all. (I’ll eloborate a little later).

This deck has an excellent chance of flipping the objective right away. The first senator you want down has to be Lott Dod, he’s what makes this deck tick. There are two Lott Dods, 2 Squabbling Delegates, and 4 Mauls (with Maul you can take a nemoidian). That’s a lot of resources to go and fetch your nemoidian. After that, holding your senate against anything (except other senators - which will be explained later) will be easy. All you need are two, maybe 3 senators or a Guard in case the opponent tries to knock off Lott Dod with attrition. Against LS senators, you have to make it your priority to take out their big guns (Palpy, Amidala, and Valorum). Just pay for Valorum and Payroll Palpy. You also have Keder and the other Guard for backup. If you think Keder is needed elsewhere to cancel a drain, then go ahead. As for a Jedi deck, it’s probably important for you to keep Maul alive. That’s what The Phantom Menace is for, it makes him near invulnerable.

As for your objective it self, always pay 3 to send 2 cards to opponent’s used pile. For the senators, you have Aks Moe that will increase your drain at Coruscant if you have that Droid Control ship out. Also, to back up that cap ship, you have your nemoidians - who can be pulled by Maul via The Phantom Mecace.

On to the Podracing. You have Sebulba’s pod, which will help you amazingly in a podrace. Anyway, I’m sure most of you must know how I actually do this race. I use Lott Dod; he’s what makes this deck tick. Whenever you search your Force Pile for a card, try taking Boonta Eve Podrace first (keep that 0 out of your deck), then go for the racer and the site (and watto’s box). There’s always Nemoidian Advisor to take out the Arena if you have it. Even if the opponent starts racing, take that 0 out of your deck.

Card Choices

Why do I podrace late in the game? It’s a great way of throwing off the opponent. If he doesn’t see you racing right away, he won’t think you’re racing at all. Now you’ll suprise him with 22 force tipping in your favor.

Selbulba’s Pod If you and your buddies play some Type II games where you know they won’t race… you might want to switch Selbulba with Teemto Pagalies, higher destiny is he.

2 Orn Free Ta’s? He’s an amazing, high-destiny senator who can be recycled back into your deck. He’s particularly useful if you drop him in front of a drain, then pay to put him back into your deck to avoid a beatdown.

Drop? It’s a good way of keeping the opponent’s hand size down, making your objective a little easier.

Tey How? No brainer… she pilots the freaking Control Ship.

For the new Ref 3 obj

YOu just have to be careful, it can’t handle the podrace in the middle of game, so you should be able to pull it out, just watch where you put Maul

There’s nothing this deck can’t handle in Type II, just pay attention… and 100 free points to me ‘