Dark Deal big drain

Title: Dark Deal big drain
Author: p "drnoodles16" n
Date: Nov 12, 2001 Rating: 3.0



‘starting (8)

This deal is getting worse all the time

secret plans/IAO

Prepared defences

Combat response

Im sorry

crush the rebellion

cc upper walkway

fear is my ally

10 shields

Characters (14)

darth vader, dark lord of the sith

Lord vader

grand moff tarkin x2

darth maul

mara jade

Boba fett, bounty hunter

aurra sing



jodo kast

dr. e. & ponda b.


os 72 10

Ships (7)

Dengar in one

zuck in mh

os 72 1 in obsidian 1

os 72 2 in obsidian 2

obsidian 7

obsidian 8

obsidian 10

Effect (2)

Dark deal

cloud city occupation

Interrupt (18)

Weapon lev x2

atmospheric assault x2

holonet transmission x2

empires back x2

i have you now x2

charming to the last x2

weapon of an ungrateful son x2

dark meneuver/tallon roll x2

sniper/dark strike x2

Weapons (7)

Vaders saber (premiere)

mauls double saber

maras saber

bobas blaster

dr. e’s blaster

aurra sings blaster

vibro ax

sites (4)

Bespin cc


cc west gallery

cc lower corridor

Strategy: ‘

early control a few sites, get vader/tarkin and an i have you now ready.

mid game deploy ships and get dark deal and occupation out. drain.

late game if opponent is still alive, drain.


jedi trianing ignore opponent and drain him to death before his training is done.

qmc try to win battles and remove enemy threats before getting out dark deal or occupation. this will be a difficult game to win.

wys this could bring trouble, watch for luke and keep your ships together and try to minimize losses in the air.

hidden base another tough one. keep up a hard ground drain, although they will cancel alot of it. keep a control on bespin so they cant block as many drains.

this is a new deck, and one of my first submissions, so help me out with it. ‘