QMC lots of retreival

Title: QMC lots of retreival
Author: p "drnoodles16" n
Date: Nov 12, 2001 Rating: 3.0



‘starting (8)



CC guest quarters

medical frigate

keeping the empire out

squadron assignments

twighlight is upon me

unusual ammount of fear

10 sheilds

characters (13)

Luke skywalker jedi knight

obi wan kenobi

daughter of skywalker

master qui gon

chewie, enraged

corran horn


Wedge, RSL


green leader


dash rendar

jar jar

ships (6)

Han, chewie and falcon

red squad 1

red squad 4

green 1

green 3


effect (2)

Cloud city celebration

lightsaber profieciency

interupt (16)


warriors courage

smokescreen x2

the force is strong with this one x2

houjix & out of nowhere x2

rebel artillery x2

on the edge x2

armed and dangerous x2

it could be worse x2

weapons (9)

lukes saber

obis saber

anakins saber

qui gons saber

chewies bowcaster

awing laser x2

xwing laser x2

admirals orders (2)

i’ll take the leader x2

sites (4)

bespin cc

cc downtown plaza

cc platform 327

cc casino

Strategy: ‘

early get out sites. flip as soon as you can, since it cant flip back. establish a ground force and drain.

mid game get out cc celebration and retrieve and drain. keep a hold on bespin and cc.

late game use on the edge to replenish force. drain to win.

card choice

Awing cannon green leader adds 3 to targeting, plus destiny 4

on the edge you can use off the edge if you want, doesn’t matter.

2 chewies i know there are 2, if you get both, just stop paying for one so you can play the other.

cloud city casino if you play the casino, people may think you are sabaccing. they might waste a sheild. if not, its 2 force for you and 1 for them, and you can land ships here if nessecary.

match ups

dark deal stop the opponent from getting it out. if he plays occupation, control bespin and cancel it.

rall ops ignore opponent, you’ll probably drain for more, and you’ll definetly retreive more.

carbon chanmber chop the ugnaughts. get a ground force to stop the transport of the frozen guy. if they actualy freeze him, use it could be worse to block the damage.

any space deck use dash/outrider to knock down executer, wedge and tycho or corran to block a destiny, and xwing lasers to waste bounty hunter ships, and use i’ll take the leader to mess up bounty hunter ships.

deck won 2 of 3 games it played at a local tournament, losing to a lightsaber combat objective by 2 force. ‘